Ugh. Backstory.
Ugh. Backstory.
Extemporaneous Q&A to players for their PCs can create instant bonds, personality or color, which has emergent character building.
Dammit. I had the opportunity to take voiceover lessons from Rick. A good teacher and a wonderful soul.
Jeesus, Chani - it’s the worst. Overcast and drizzle from October to April. And 34 degrees and rain. worst weather EVAR... Summer really doesn’t start until July 5, and then everyone goes manic in the long summer days for two months. At least the autumns are nice.
Shocked, actually...
Volume pricing?
As long as it’s in context of this lion....
The Dark of Hot Springs Island and several other publications by Swordfish Islands are currently available as a free download.
Next, kit out some of the beaters for Gaslands.
Yep, grew up in the Panhandle, so had plenty of opportunities to see 844 (nee 8444) punching by for some festivity.
Already happening:
Oh no! It’s a Royalist foothold, intent on taking back the Colonies!
Well, they did get the Kurosawa level of carbonated people....
Why are they EVER treated like experts?
...not happening
For folks with various versions of the Fantasy Role-Playing Game (tm) around, I’d suggest downloading Kevin Crawford’s Solo Heroes or Scarlet Heroes, both of which include mechanics for a lone adventurer in a one-on-one RPG session. Solo Heroes can be overlaid on other rulesets, while Scarlet Heroes is a standalone, in…
I find Niccol’s writing a bit heavy-handed, but he knows how to cast cars in his films...