
Anyone who has ever been in awe of William fucking Westmoreland should be banned from running for any political office for life.

Still, the point is nobody hired him after coaching the Lions.

In his defense, he only expects to see Lee Corso once a week.

Now playing

A fried off his ass on acid Shannon Hoon performs “Change” at Woodstock ‘94 with the rest of Blind Melon.

Good for Daniel. Congrats on having the best Victor Cruz Halloween costume that I’ve ever seen.

“Maybe someone could open the baby gate for Daniel Fells?”

“Glazer’s fitness is pretty inspiring”

I bet it really was Belichick.

Take that Brian McCann you fat fuck.

Jessica Williams is a gawdamn national treasure.

it’s just all about you, isn’t it?

narcissism +1

What, now i’m a psychopath because I actually like the taste of coffee?


Now playing

Tom Waits-Whistlin’ Past The Graveyard.

Ichiro is so awesome. Imagine if he started playing in the majors when he was 20 instead of 29. He’d have had one of the greatest careers ever.

Hyde Park will be okay (due to the private police force).

With its ghost hands.

It’s refreshing to see an argument between a black man and a white guy with guns end without any casualties.