Put a few Sculpins in the tank last weekend, then a couple of beers from Bluejacket (Navy Yard - DC) which has really started churning out some good stuff.
Put a few Sculpins in the tank last weekend, then a couple of beers from Bluejacket (Navy Yard - DC) which has really started churning out some good stuff.
Fuck WMATA always. I live 6 stops from work and last week it took me 70 minutes on the way in.
Including the New York Fucking Times, whose reporters were typing up that Trump was a "new type of Republican" with respect to LGBT rights. Is there any institution that didn't let us down last year? Jesus.
Yup. And even if we get him out of office in 2020 (and the county's still standing…), it's clear that not having a functioning executive branch for four years is going to put us way behind the curve on so many fronts. So, pretty much what Putin dreamed would happen.
I dunno… the black guy's out of office, so Repubs could probably make small changes to the law, say "we fixed it!", and their base would be happy. The bills they've put out instead are just brutal.
I hope you're right… but have no faith he and others won't fall in line for tax cuts and whatever McConnell dangles in front of them.
They will pass something terrible. The party is radicalized and it's so depressing.
This. The pee tape is going to save our country.
Ehhhh. Can we just skip ahead to Jessica Jones season 2?
It's so lame, even by viral Twitter standards…
I'm thinking it must be Dan's Cafe… or maybe Stan's, that basement bar on Vermont near 14th.
Hmm — is that internationally? I read last night that it's on pace to only tie the first Andrew Garfield film domestically, which was itself a notable step down from Raimi's 1 and 2.
I know Delta has no soul and it probably took a team of social media wizards the full 24 hours to think of it, but offering to refund her $30 was masterful.
You can think someone isn't a good actor and also be sad they're dead ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Force Awakens is a lot more effective for the sense that everything didn't go as it should… the struggle's never over despite a big victory (see: 2016). Going with Luke/Leia/Han as broken and apart doesn't get much credit for being a risky move, but it's not where I expected sequels to go.
Those are apparently coming later this year!
She was such a delightful troll in this episode. Seeing her in Last Jedi and knowing it's the end of Carrie onscreen will be rough.
For two reasons. A) His base was devoted (he was a prom king to them). and b) Hillary's devotee's were always based around cities and her message was basically "now its my turn".
Who was gloating?! Everyone left-wing voter I know was terrified.
+1. Last year I even got around to reading the one about Meg's daughter that they market as a 5th book in the set now and it was decent.