
Let’s also not forget that Saddam got too big for his britches and thought he could make a play to invade Saudi Arabia and taking Mecca.

Of course I believe it, I read many comments here that insinuated we should have turned Iran into a field of glass.

Bettman is loathed by both the fans and the media so this sort of thing happens often.

You know this is article is on sub vertical and not Jezebel proper?

It would have been just as easy to gloss over his transgressions. That certainly seems to be what happened with Ray Lewis.

Is that what your parents told you it was Patrick?

This is why the media redemption makes no sense. Is it because he’s still productive? Is this considered a “feel-good” story after the terrible year the NFL has had? The world wonders.

I would be totally down with a Bell H-13 low level flyby.

Maxim was actually a good “lad” mag about 10-15 years ago. “I read it for the articles” blah blah but they did have interesting features (e.g. they were the first to report on Bode Miller’s problems but no one seemed to care until months later).

You can blame the american appetite for civil litigation and lack of single payer health care on the first case.

The emotions are just there to teach kids that you are going to have bad days in your life and that you can have multiple feelings about the things that happen.

Here’s hoping Jim’s next job is as a Nazi Shark so Magary doesn’t have to come up with new filler for the Jamboroo next year.

They’ve been cherry-picking aspects of the old EU works to keep. There are some planets from KOTOR that have showed up in the new works, for example.

Not like she was going to win Cali anyway if, heaven forbid, she got the nomination.

The NCAA would prefer the semis be played on January 1 since it is a holiday and a day traditionally associated with college football. To me the logic is that they would prefer to promote the games as being on NYE instead of in the dead zone between Christmas and New Years with all the lower tier bowls, or the weekend

Maybe take it up with the IO9 editors? Not every editorial decision made here in the past 12 months has been questionable.

At any given time half the articles on IO9 were cross posted from Gizmodo, and half the articles on Gizmodo were cross posted from IO9. A merger was inevitable.

Related: how much shameful porn gets posted to secure drop? What is the worst thing you’ve ever found there and who has the misfortune of going through it all?

You forgot Brienne wandering. She is truly the wanderer of wanderers.

Can’t say I’ve ever heard anyone say Star Trek into Darkness had too much fan service. Most serious Trek fans think the movie was utter shit. The only thing fan-servicy about the movie was the completely pointless shot of the blonde in her undies.