
I see you were under the impression that I wrote my post sarcastically

Only the best movies come out in February

I did that with China Mieville. His first book is awful and made me not at all interested in reading his much more heralded later books. My bad!

What do you mean "you people"?!

I think I actually much prefer the Lether/Edur stuff though. It just feels much more relatable and interesting to me. I loved the first 300 or so pages of Reaper's Gale but then as soon as the Malazans showed up, I was just like "Oh goddamnit!" and my interest started to wane severely.

Not yet. It was in the compilation I was reading, but some jerk requested it from the library and I had to return it. Planning to pick it up again in the winter, which I feel is when I should have been reading his stuff all along.

Toll the Hounds, book motherfucking 8 of The Malazan Book of the Fallen. Gotta admit guys, I am so ready to be done with this thing whole thing. I've tried to plow through this series, not taking too long of a break between each book, because the material is so goddamn dense that even a couple weeks away makes me

Yeah, I was at that Perfect Pussy show at Bottom Lounge too. I was trying to figure out if that was on purpose or what. Her voice was completely drowned out. On record, it's fairly enmeshed in the mix and smothered in feedback too, so I didn't know if this was a conscious choice or just a bad job by the sound guy.

A.V. Club/ More like "No Dives" Club, amiright?!

Saw Slowdive at Pitchfork over the weekend. They sounded incredible (and incredibly loud). They also did much actual shoegazing. You're in for a treat.

MANDATORY: All backstory should be delivered by naked whores that are actively engaged in fucking each other.

Spoiler alert, dude.

But, in a way, aren't we all Jon's father when you think about it?

I think I was using that as an "Away" message for a while.

Since it's coming from you, maybe I'll have to do a rewatch. i must have missed the tits.

We don't talk about season 2

This guy gets it!

Obligatory backlash to the backlash to the backlash: It wasn't that good

So glad that they're getting close to casting these two ladies for season 2.

I've read both. Abercrombie reminds me much more of GRRM than he does Erikson. I mean that in the sense that they both write very gritty, character-based stories in a "low fantasy" setting (i.e. not a lot of monsters and magic and whatnot). I absolutely love Abercrombie, and I think he's becoming a better writer