
Have you read The Golem and the Jinni? They seem to get compared a lot on these here boards.

I am more and more on board with Erikson's writing style. I love his philosophical musings. Dude has heady ideas coming out of his pores. All of the god/holds/houses stuff still confuses the shit out of me, though. At this point, I feel like I should understand it more than I do. Erikson certainly writes like I

Man, I loved loved loved JS&MN. The end of the second section, where the bottom drops out, left my jaw on the floor. After the first 2/3rds of the novel kind of ambled along pleasantly but rather aimlessly, that HUGE THING THAT HAPPENS and then the whole final third just blew me away.

Still on my Malazan Book of the Fallen read-through. I'm at book 7, Reaper's Gale, and I'm loving it as much as my previous favorite entry in the series, Midnight Tides. I'm realizing that I much prefer fantasy about palace intrigue, secret society cabals, and large-scale economic fraud than the military fiction and

You mean "moonsterpiece."

You forgot "cyclopean." Everything's cyclopean.

I see you've met my sister. Tell her to call mom. She needs her insulin.

Classic Paddington!

Yeah that's pretty bad ass.

That's pretty much exactly how I felt.

I love lamp!

I'm just starting book 6. I've had some major issues with the series the entire time, but there's enough good shit that I've kept up with it. I heard the same thing about how book 2 was supposed to be far better than book 1, but book 2 may have been my least favorite. I think things start to smooth out a bit by

"Handmaid's Tale" is probably a better place to start but my favorite of hers is "The Blind Assassin." One of my favorite books ever actually.

Finished Midnight Tides, which was by far the best entry so far in The Malazan Book of the Fallen. A relatively coherent story with characters I actually give a shit about! Whoa!

As someone who just read "The Shadow Over Innsmouth" last night, that picture is freaking me the fuck out.

I really disliked the last third of it but I greatly enjoyed the ambivalent ending.

I LOVE Needful Things. I didn't find it remotely scary but I found it be one of his most purely fun books.

Brave had the best special effect of 2012: that amazing hair

Probably a good place to post this creepy bit of news:

alright alright aliriiiight