
holy fuck i'm LOL'ing hard

"Simply excited" means "super drunk" right?

It feels perfect for the change in weather too. I can see listening to this a lot in my car with the windows rolled down.

Trying to watch Walk the Line and/or Ray after seeing Walk Hard is fucking impossible.

There's another called The Star Rover about a prisoner using astral projection to visit past lives. zit sounds crazy awesome.

Is Jack London in that anthology? He's another unexpected guy who has written a fair amount of science fiction.

I will third or fourth the Ishiguro rec.

I'll be adding it to the queue!

Oh man I would love a muted, understated biopic on John Brown. Hollywood fucks biopics up by trying to race through a subject's entire life and feeling like Cliff's Notes. What was great about his book was that it summed up Brown's first 50 years in the first 10 or so pages and then focused solely on the decade

I read all 6 of Abercrombie's novels in order over the early part of last year. "The Blade Itself" is without a doubt his worst novel. The writing feels fairly cliched and there isn't much to distinguish the story. But after that, the quality ramps up considerably, and I think his writing got better with each novel

Ha. Bing.

Finished "Midnight Rising" about John Brown's attack on Harpers Ferry, which sparked the Civil War. Fascinating, well researched stuff with an intriguing cast of characters. John Brown himself came across as sometimes impossibly stoic. Great read. Highly recommended.

SDIT = Star Drek Into Tarkness

After you finish the series, listen to Timothuy Olyphant's Nerdist podcast. He spends a good chunk of the conversation discussing Deadwood and how that show was put together and how David Milch works.. Really fascinating stuff and one amazing anecdote about his son on the show.

It's a spoiler in the sense that they have no plans of killing him off anytime soon.

"Leaves of Grass my ass," one might even be inclined to say.

If that's true, that is some strange and counter intuitive math for them to be doing. Was she even featured prominently in the advertising for Ender's Game or 3 Days to Kill? Are people not seeing these movies because they have that girl from True Grit in them? I'm probably giving producers too much credit to be

She's talented enough. She should be fine. It's not like any of these were bombs because of her.

I read the first two books. The writing and coherency does not get better.