
or wanting!


As an avid comic book non-reader, I knew fuck all about this other than the frequent snarky Newswire posts and my excitement was pretty much "Ehhhhhh… maybe when it's streaming on Netflix…" After seeing the trailer, I am now up to "Hey! This is a movie I don't think I would regret torrenting or possibly even paying

for real? Which coffee shop?

There's nothing more romantic than being alone in New Jersey in February.

The most psychological of all psychological thrillers on tv: Hannibal

I, too, was coming here to make a "three seashells" reference. How silly of me to think I'd be the first.

No, but do it anyway.

A question on China Mieville: his books always sounded so fascinating to me based on their descriptions and he's been repeatedly recommended. I made the mistake of picking up "King Rat" which I thought was pretty terrible. I realize it's his first novel, but is that indicative of his other work?

I will third the Salem's Lot love. It's by far his best "whole town under the influence of terror and madness" book, which he repeated to diminishing returns in Needful Things, Tommyknockers and probably several others I can't think of right now. In my mind, it's his most frightening book.

Was also going to suggest this. And i think over the course of the six books he's written so far, the writing just gets better and better. Storywise, I think he hit his peak with The Heroes, but Red Country goes in a nice new direction for him. Definitely worth it to read all six in order of release though.

The Terror is outstanding and should be read in the middle of summer. You won't need air conditioning.

Thanks! My feelings towards this series are weirdly complicated. I like the ambition that Erikson is going for, but his execution is just not working for me. I get a strange minor pleasure out of reading these things for the imagination alone, and I am hesitantly curious to see where the story goes, cuz I genuinely

Count of Monte Cristo is the shit, dude.

Jacob de Zoet may be my favorite too. Bottom line is that you really can't go wrong with David Mitchell.

God… that ending… Just horrifying. I mean, the entire book is horrifying, but that ending is like super deluxe horrifying.

In the middle of Inherent Vice right now. It's my 4th attempt at finishing a Pynchon novel. My only prior success was The Crying of Lot 49 which I started to lose the thread with maybe 2/3rds of the way through. My failures are Gravity's Rainbow and Vineland. I think I'll be good with IV though. I'm about halfway

Finsihed Deadhosue Gates, book 2 in The Malazan Book of the Fallen. Someone help me out here. Does this get better? I'd heard the first book was the weakest in the series, but I didn't find Erikson's writing to have improved much in the second book. The characters are all pretty thin, which I'm relatively ok with.

Trust me. It is.

Wow. Terrible news. I only know him through "Be More Chill", but what a gloriously weird, hilarious book. Highly recommended to anyone who has ever feared talking to the opposite sex.