
I liked the movie well enough, but I don't think I LOL'd once, something I did multiple times for Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead. I think part of the problem was that Nick Frost, who was such a riot as the wildcard in the two other films, was saddled with a character who just wasn't very interesting. Seems like a

I have I think 7 episodes left in season 4 of Battlestar Galactica. Up until this season, I just did not understand all the love the show received. I thought the first two seasons to be decent, but filled up far too much with generic plotting (the exception being the awesomely fun Pegasus story arc). Season 3 had

I just started Gardens of the Moon this week. I'm both intimidated and incredibly excited by what I have ahead of me.

I loved the setup in Locke Lamora, but once the plot kicked in, I felt it turned into a fairly generic revenge story. It was never less than entertaining, but those first 100 pages promised something much more interesting.

Scott Smith's The Ruins. The best novel Stephen King never wrote. Horrifying.

I just finished the trilogy last month. Definitely worthwhile, but the constant intake of "and then this happened" certainly does get exhausting. I also still had trouble remembering which was Eleanor and which was Eveline throughout the entirety of the books. I hated the Camera Eye sections too. Did anyone like

I haven't watched last night's episode yet, but the first 3 episodes each got progressively better than the last.

It's a beautifully strange and meandering book for the first two thirds, and then something happens and the bottom drops out and shit goes to hell in the most delightfully British way.

You may want to check out Drood by Dan Simmons, a fictionalized account of Wilkie's friendship with Dickens during the writing of Moonstone and Bleak House. Don't look to it for historical accuracy as it's more a horror story than anything else, but has a great sense of place and made me incredibly interested in

If you've read the book, the movie is a complete waste of time because it basically visualizes the book without any imagination or variation from the source material.  Pick one or the other but no need to do both.

I just discovered the radness of Dwight Twilley recently.  Do you know what song it is?