Davina Spafford Stuart

I look forward to the piece on adoptive vs birth, because I think the show is sending messages it doesn’t intend to.

I’m also bothered a bit by reactions I’ve read in other recaps about Serena’s attempt to soothe Holly/Nicole by putting the baby to her own breast. Allo-nursing (communal nursing) is not uncommon in the

...they need to keep it in December and not try to cannibalize it with their other tentpoles

And even a flop can be helpful for Disney here, who can now try to fix what happened with Solo, whether trying new stories or knowing they need to keep it in December and not try to cannibalize it with their other tentpoles. Star Wars won't stop printing money.

Yeah don’t see the “Hard to read” part at all, maybe they were holding it upside down or something 

A link to a YouTube video is not an article.

The script was picked because if you read it backwards/mirrored it spells “Illuminati.”

Tell me that’s not a J. Why is that not a J?”

All we know about Picard’s career from the shows/movies is that he stayed in command of the Enterprise at least through Star Trek: Nemesis (8 years after his conversation with Kirk). Whether he stayed because of Kirk’s advice or not is up in the air. The only other clue we have is that alternate future in “All Good

Maybe they travel the world for theater shows, and then offer commentary on it?

A Truly Weird Rumor About a Special Star Wars: Episode IX Cameo

I don’t see the Ewan McGregor rumor being that weird. Force Ghost Kenobi would be kind of a logical element for Episode IX. Wait, I can picture it now...

oddly.. i DID see this movie with my dad.. in a very crowded theater... my dad is the sort who would (and DID) reach behind you and make spider crawling motions up your back/arm/whatever was available... oh that was fun... and then we got home and realized the wolf spiders had settled in RIGHT ABOVE THE FREAKING BACK

Well, that and releasing two SW films barely six months apart. If Disney wants to make this an ongoing franchise, they need to keep them at least a year apart. or three, as with OT.

I kind of doubt that Bail told her - or even his own wife - who her mother was, seeing as that would kind of defeat the purpose of hiding her in the first place.

One of my first papers for English 102 when I was a community college student at 16 was about comic books.

it’s the same think as oat meal, I don’t understand why people are so disgusted by this...

I love this idea! Although, that would make the Forcetime calling scenes with Rey and shirtless Kylo in The Last Jedi really weird, cause Kylo would be her great grandson. But making the whole darn saga Rey’s time traveling oopsie would definitely wrap the whole thing up in a nice bow.

Star Wars Episode IX: It’s All About Shmi

Better yet, in a twist when Rey goes back in time to Naboo she overshoots the prequels by about 15 years and it turns out that all the speculations that Rey was Luke’s daughter are subverted when Luke turns out to be Rey’s grandson!