Davina Spafford Stuart

Is it a dog? For real, I need to know. Does a dog get killed at the beginning? If so, I’m not going to be able to go see what sounds like a great movie.

I would have loved Into Darkness if they didn’t do the Kahn route. It was a great picture, but making it Kahn was strike one. Making Benedict play Kahn was strike two (either do Kahn with an actor as Ricardo-ish as possible, Pedro Pascal would have been FANTASTIC!-or make Benedict Gary Mitchell or something instead)

I liked it as a not-so-much Trek fan. It’s essential nature of the crew acting together to solve a problem is what was the most “Trek” to me, and it was great to see.

Good lord, it’s not as if the movie was difficult to understand in the first place. A lot of depth and complexity should not be confused with being... well, confusing. Inception was a remarkably simple movie that had depth; 2001 is no different, except scaled tremendously higher.

Jesus Christ....these aren’t even interesting.

or just a random oceanographer with an ex-boyfriend she met on Madison avenue with one red shoe.

Maybe so, but that’s not going to make my wife happy.

“Why does everybody want my son?”

The best part is it’s still funny.

In a world... where you have no budget and no hope of hiring a professional... there is — your roommate Kevin.

Missed opportunity:

That’s not a proper trailer voice, is it.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: some lousy police work, else it was a frame job. The deed was done by someone on a horse. A real horse. The only horse in the entire movie. Everyone else in the movie had coconuts.


But I don’t want any of that! I’d rather...

It’s only a trailer.

Any attempt at a serious trailer — no matter how well done — is severely undermined by Terry Jones’s mustache.

They told him ‘e was daft fer makin a serious trailer from a Python movie, but he built it all the same... it sank into the swamp.

it’s a great video.. but no basis for a system of government