Davina Spafford Stuart

A point from The Lost World (the novel) that I wish was picked up on more in the movies is that these are not dinosaurs. They’re simulacra of dinosaurs with arbitrary features due to spotty DNA substitutions and novel behavior that developed in a vacuum.

Counter point of Order: Star Wars.

It is important that they get Dog right.

Considering Neil Gaiman is writing it, I don’t think we have anything to worry about.

If it isn’t faithful, at least we will have David Tennant’s apology.

Faithful is good. Nice and accurate would be better.

I like this idea one way. The monoliths mess with Time AND Space, so make a Grant Ward from when he was still undercover. That would at least give some interpersonal stuff to play with.

“Grant Ward comes back in an unexpected manner” went from my least favorite to my most favorite trope in Agents of SHIELD. At first I just wanted them to get rid of him but eventually I came around to the idea that they’re going to reintroduce him in more and more convoluted ways and the complete absurdity of it has

It’s Ward. Again. It’s always Ward.

“SHIELD” and “past” are all I got to before getting lost in a mad fever dream where Agent Carter is still around.

This. I’m the biggest Star Wars fan I know and I thought his fight with kylo was almost more perfect than Obi-Wan Kenobi’s and Darth Vader’s in IV

THANK YOU. I don’t get why people didn’t pick up on this.

Dude, that’s EXACTLY it. As much as people are whining right now, can anyone legitimately say that they know what to expect for Ep. IX? I certainly can’t. Rian Johnson ripped Star Wars out of its safe zone and made the story truly interesting again. Even though the movie had serious, legitimate flaws, I respect the

Yes, fans (though not critics) are seriously underappreciating the unpredictability of this film, both in-movie and what it sets up.

Yo, I’ve been in love with Han Solo for basically my entire conscious life, trust me, I get it. But there’s nuance here that there wasn’t before, and I think that was a smart storytelling move for making Kylo Ren into a compelling villain and/or antihero. His conflict and the fact that it comes from a place you can

This all day.

I mean, Anakin did worse and Star Wars let him be redeemed.

I am guessing you can’t jump to light speed while on Auto-Pilot. And Leia is the head of the Resistance, so she is the head of the entire army. I’m thinking that Admiral Holdo succeeded to both Leia’s position as the head of the army and Admiral Akbar’s, who was likely the captain of the Capital ship, if that makes

The entire concept of auto-pilot is antithetical to the Star Wars universe; why need human pilots at all when you literally have robots to do it for you. I imagine the whole droid army thing from Phantom Menace led to a universe-wide ban on automated transportation, frankly.