
They have been doing the gay trope with Raj for way too long, the writers need to address it or drop it.

God I miss Better off Ted so much.

I think 3 more seasons is really going to wear down the show. They have bout covered every scenario imaginable. I'd hate to see this show turn into another turd like HIMYM.

More Stuart Bloom.

How long are they going to draw out the Banshee thing before we get some movement on that front cause I'm interested in that mythology.

I'm really enjoying this season, but I have no frakking clue what's going on.

I said earlier before reading this that at this point of the story line Ian is just high on X while tending bar. He's shown no sign of bi polar, hell hes been the most focused of all the clan.

Just going to say if you watch this show thinking the anyone is gonna make it out of the hellhole, youre watching it for the wrong reasons.

Well Ian was the only one that had any hope of getting rid of the Gallagher curse………….now hes high on X Bartending.

WOXY, Bam The Future of Rock N Roll. rip

I was hoping the Frank Liver was going to play out early, but it seems that its end up a Frank/Fiona thing.