One nice feature of ‘stay at home’ is that Motorcycle Week(end) in Laconia, NH was cancelled for now.
One nice feature of ‘stay at home’ is that Motorcycle Week(end) in Laconia, NH was cancelled for now.
They went all Motoguzzi for a while (late 60s- early 70s?), then back to HD
Good God! Is the EVO that old?
Nor with a 240+lb tub o’ lard, evidently.
The overwhelming majority of protesters in my town are young whites. We are very socially active, as a whole, thanks to a University in town.
Yet one of our local business owners had concerns about ‘diluting’ the protests because she was going to celebrate Gay Pride this month with a rainbow flag.
I heard last nite that the person they were seeking in the warrant was already in custody when they entered.
Is anyone surprised by the regurgitations of the RNC?
My mom was a Bozo-ette in high school.
It’s a part of the compact - you are volunteering to clean up after your cat forever (forever in this case being up to twenty years), in exchange for whatever pleasure you gain from the li’l fleabag.
It’s a part of the compact - you are volunteering to clean up after your cat forever (forever in this case being up…
My 1st concert- Cream , Chicago (1st west coast appearance), James Cotton Blues Band at the Shrine in ‘67-’68...I think it was $7. And, yes, I’ve gone even ‘older old man’ on you.
What do you call a good looking woman on the arm of a drummer?
Must be a rock thing. It’s banjo players in bluegrass.
Don Henley says, “What?”
Everybody’s got something to hide....except you two.
I think Billy Shears was too much a diva.
Some say a pistol is the Devil’s right hand
Looks like a, ‘My brother -in -law is a sculptor, and he can give us a deal’ deal.