lazy, lazier & laziest8

The United States of America, where patriots wear the Stars and Stripes on their ass and the Stars and Bars on their flagpole.

No time frame was provided in the post I responded to. He was a centrist, non-incumbent, and I think the only 3rd party candidate (of any note) at that time was Pat Poulsen


These are one of the facts that folks believe they HAVE to tell you when you turn 60. Or what the guys who have had prostate problems tell those who haven’t (yet).

Or you’re Manimal!

I have about given up with analogies. Either folks take them literally or fail to understand the connection.

How about we just do a better job picking out fruit?

I was told once that if one (male) lived long enough, he would either die WITH prostate cancer or FROM it.

Ever talk to a very large-busted woman? They hold a different opinion, for the most part.

all lives matter=good people on both sides

There are many Americans who say you already are.

Well, he’s seen his pilots do a walkaround, so...

“Kayleigh Mac compared Trump’s church photo op to Winston Churchill’s walks through London neighborhoods after the Blitz.”

“I ended up having two of my beast friends...”

We were raised on cowboy movies.

The most stringent rule applies. There’s no ‘pass’ for calling from away.

Yes, local conditions vary, but not for office-holders. If it was truly a horrible call, the benefit of publishing it might be greater than any pushback. Remember, too, that the chances are nearly 100% that the WH recorded this call. If that call was placed to a State that has two-party consent, that recording is also

Doesn’t hold a candle to Dr. Evil.

I ‘sirred’ the shit out of a Selectman at a public meeting when I called him to task for interfering in my work.

Her call was a death threat.