Amen, I’ve cut off my distant relatives for this reason. Not like I was ever close to them before anyway.
Amen, I’ve cut off my distant relatives for this reason. Not like I was ever close to them before anyway.
This again just makes me think Trump voters are all ignorant morons... that’s all I’ve gotten from this segment.
Well since the shooter is black, Trump will definitely have something to say... had he been white... bet my life savings he wouldn’t even mention it.
Shut up.
She sexually abused her sibling.. you’re not a bad feminist. I don’t like her either.
Well yea but it’s not her fault that it happened... like we can’t Shame people for getting pregnant. I understand the struggle but I’d never shame someone for getting pregnant the first try.
Lol the fact that you’re triggered by peaceful protest is hilarious... I’m gunna start kneeling at every game I coach. did you feel the same way about the Nazi’s in Charlottesville ? You know you can’t be a Nazi and an American, there was a whole war about that.
Quitefrankly Xanderpuss would be a better president.... a drunk cat would be a better president tbh.
Lmao when kneeling in protest gets your panties in a bunch. But a Nazi running over innocent people just makes you say “oh well”. (What I’m expecting to see in these comment sections)
Well when a POTUS is interfering with sports, you’re going to hear about it... what a privilege it must be to be able to not care about what’s going on in the world.
Won’t denounce white supremecist Nazis (who were violent and KILLED someone), but denounces men protesting police brutality and institutionalized racism (by fucking kneeling peacefully). K.
It takes under a year with the proper nutrition and training to achieve a growth in muscle mass. I grow muscle much faster than other women, I’ve trained for about 10 years straight... and in my first year was when i put on a lot of the muscle I have now.
Lol her version of “ripped” looks like that cardio bunny that occasionally will pick up a 5 lb dumbell. Le sigh. Hollywood.
I didn’t say that didn’t happen, I’m well aware of that. This just one specific movie, there’s a reason for it. Doesn’t excuse the rest of them. They also cast below avg looking dudes with beautiful supermodel looking women on most sitcoms sooo....
This is a fun thread, but I think we need to look closely at the small* details. Kevin Hart has short* term relationships, due to his short* attention span.
Plot twist: is her dad. She never knew because she was blind. She finds out through a long lost brother. Movie ends.
I thought that that casting was done intentionally as a part of the storyline (still stupid and boring) but for some reason I feel like I read somewhere there was a purpose for the age gap. Like it was obvious for a reason.
You just made me feel so much better for watching this show and AYTO ... I will guilt watch on nights my husband works late.
He’s 18... 18 year olds are the most obnoxious, self centered, huge assholes on the planet. Just like every 18 year old ever he did something obnoxious and annoying. There doesn’t need to be a huge Twitter war and debate over this. I don’t see why so many people are so butthurt, teenagers are all annoying.
I’ve seen countless people text in the movie theater... it’s definitely annoying but not annoying enough for me to go on a twitter rant about and attacking said person.