
I had the worst ex-roommate who found me in a vulnerable state having just left an abusive boyfriend and totally took advantage of me to the point that at one time I was babysitting her toddler 2 nights a week and she wouldn't come home until the next morning, all while I was paying more than my half of the bills. I

For me, it's more because out of the things I have to be outraged about today, this really doesn't even fall into give a shit territory.

The fact that you consider yourself a victim is telling. This woman isn't hurting you, she's just annoying. Fact of life, you will have to deal with annoying people, my suggestion was that you grow up and learn how to handle it.

I absolutely think your complaint is legitimate, I've just had to deal with disruptive co-workers in every job I've had. Currently I sit in cross-cite of 4 good ole boy attorneys who think every day at 4pm is a perfect time to brag about their cars, wives, golf stats, etc. Your only options are to file a complaint

I recommend headphones, but seriously, EVERY office environment you work in will have someone like your co-worker so it's really to your benefit to start figuring out how to handle it. As much as she annoys you if you continue to snap at her and be condescending you're the one that's going to end up in HR for creating

I had no idea until I was in the situation, but apparently here if the cops are called so many times the property managers get fined. So every time I called the cops on those assholes I would drop off a nice simple letter to the manager stating, "called the cops again, date and time". It only took a few weeks for

We've had smaller ones all night, and my alarm clock this morning was a 3.4, but the one last night was scary because it lasted so long. We're used to a quick jolt but when the rolling ones make your apartment shake long enough for you and your husband to have a full on conversation, thats when its a little

Once my roommate (who happened to be dude's best friend) walked in, sat down on the end of the bed, and asked what we wanted to do for dinner?! That pretty much killed it. We later had a discussion on "boundaries".

I have four amazing best girlfriends that I've met in various phases of my life, my motto has always been be patient for the good ones and hold on tight. One of the best parts of my wedding was that all four, who live in four different states, finally got to meet each other, it was glorious!!!

My husband has several friends with obnoxious as fuck girlfriends/wives, I get over myself and deal with it maybe once a year but my solution has really been just having him go hang out with his friends alone. I can't imagine there's a plethora of dinner parties every weekend, go find people (men AND women) who match

Exactly. I'm 5'8" and a size 8 was when I considered myself veryskinny. I'm now a size 14 and would probably start to call myself kinda chubby.

Not officially, but one of our congressman who is his good ole boy did.

And poor people, don't forget them. Hes part of the group of asshole who denied funding for a much needed public transportation overhaul because, "only the help would use it."

Thank gawd for midweek madness, juror duty is boring me to sleep!

All I can say is you have to really work at it. Anyone who says relationships should be easy is a goddamn liar! I've definitely felt us growing apart but we both have to recognize it and nip it in the bud, sometimes this means making the other one recognize it, and sometimes this mean shutting the hell up and

I've totally given up on this season and have only watched a few random episodes, but the whole him taking the judge job without talking to her and just expecting her to give up Paris really pissed me off!

My favorite relationship growth of his is that he now upon my stress venting immediately says "hug?", cause 9 times out of 10 I really don't want to hear him "fix it" and just really want a damn hug! It's the most adorable scared confused expression too, and the most adorable proud of himself smirk when he gets it

I've been with my husband for 7 years and am in no way an expert, but I always say that allowing each other to grow is a huge thing. From where we started to where we are today looks very different (and not really what I thought it would look like), but I adore him and I look forward to who he continues to grow to be.

1) Don't diss Crystal Light, it's the only reason I drink enough water

Talked to my Dad last week, he said if Abbott keeps putting his foot in his mouth then Wendy might really have a chance of winning. That's pretty much how Ann Richards won, would definitely like for that piece of history to repeat itself.