
I am very excited about this, what a wonderful idea! Not every character needs a full length movie, but shorts would be a great way to introduce a character that you may want to use in a future feature length movie. I'd even buy a compilation DVD of all the shorts once there was a decent amount of them produced.

@omgwtflolbbqbye: I like them too, and I got the armor feel from some of the costumes too, which I really like, but, yeah, does Superman need armor?

@neoblackdragon: I don't think this is a case of "kids will be kids". This is a case of people being people. This wasn't a spontaneous fight brought about by teenage hormones and misunderstandings. This was a pre-planned, thought out decision by two individuals who thought it would be good for a laugh and create a

@ShanaLD: At least they aren't high heels.

@hdgotham: Perhaps Thor and her dated off and on when Thor was still a jerk. Perhaps she lead herself to believe that they would be together in the end and that she would rule Asgard by his side (this eventually becoming the more attractive then the prospect of boning Thor, that's just a bonus). Plenty of women

@lakedesire: As a twin, I instinctively cringe at those types of comparisons. Bad enough you look the same, but then you have to share the same interests and, gasp, career choice and comparisons will never end.

@hdgotham: Hah, I totally wondered the same thing! Is anyone ever hit by deflected bullets?

Same, but I do have fond memories of the characters and stories. I often see them on the shelves at my local library and consider getting one, but don't know where to start now. Perhaps I will check Dragonflight and see if I have read it before, if not, yay!

In this case it's not them wanting what we have, it's the government building cities it's people don't need, taking farm land and natural environments and turning it to a waste of space no one asked for. And all to prop up the economy? Wow, I mean, that's one voracious idol we've created, and that the Chinese

He'd finally get to be a ginger!

I want to watch this, but seriously can't find any info about what station it's on in Canada...or even if it is on in Canada. Gah, anyone able to answer this?

I read that title as "What happens when two stars fall in love with each other?" and in the picture, I see a heart.

I don't know guys, the moving going public might not be able to believe that, it would be too confusing and fantastic. Best keep it to only one alien species and have it earth bound. *snore*

Haha, yeah, original Star Trek was fun in all manner of ways. I should have clarified TNG Star Trek and when I wrote that, though the original had some interesting concepts besides the uniforms.

Silhouette wise, men's fashion hasn't changed and won't until they stop being so scared of skirts and robes. But I dress nothing like my great-grandmother.

No, its just you.

Is fashion really so stagnant that is some 140 years we're all going to still be wearing relatively the same clothing we are now? Its my one gripe about "future" shows, they never look like the future, Dr Who is the worst offender.

I know, right? Jarring.