
Maybe if he bought 99 Nokia phones instead, they could have been... N-Gage'd

What, a girlfriend?

This is how I feel every Thanksgiving.

also fate unlimited food works

But in this image I can still see her *Dark Pit.*

Caught the Imposter

On our family plan of 5 iPhones, we all seem to be getting the $25 a month "discount" already, with only one of the phones on AT&T Next (a 5S), 3 of them on a traditional contract (a 5S and two iPhone 5), and the oldest one (a 4S) is out of contract. Its been that way for many months now (don't know when it started)

Now they gonna get it.

I don't really think we're in competition. They're a pretty hardcore site aimed at games specifically—they're not going to be posting, say, a funny screenshot, some cool cosplay, or stuff that people are making and such. We will! And when it comes to that other more hardcore stuff, Serebii will likely be a good

In Heartgold, I gave my newly hatched Togepi the friendship-enhancing Soothe Bell and had him learn Metronome. The first move he uses with Metronome? Fling. Soothe Bell gone. Really? Really??

The Burj Al-Khalifa in Dubai calls itself the only 7 star hotel in the world, though I don't know if that is official. This Chinese hotel though, appears to be literally named "7 Star Hotel" which is pretty sneaky.

Yes, that's because of stuff like, changes in the atmosphere, etc. That's why dinosaur sized creatures wouldn't fare well in our modern planet.

Nominating this thread as the official request thread for an entry of the Fire Emblem series on the Wii U. Could possibly use the GamePad for navigating troops while seeing awesome stuff on the big screen. Star this or the original post to vote!

Mario galaxy 3 or sunshine 2

Settlers of Cat-an

43% of gamers are under represented lefties that are sick of companies not adding left handed functionality to their games because "it would cost too much" or "it'll double the workload" or some BS like that

Dear Miyamoto

Believe it or not, I'd try checking out the storerooms of the local shrines.