Last Burner, I Swear

Have you seen the Scooby-Doo Doo episode with special guests the Harlem globetrotters? Cause that was on Cartoon Network today.

Kara, are you trying to make me feel bad for Iggy Azalea?

My only takeaway, more pasta for me.

Bull. Fucking. Shit. She’s trying to tell us that she’s never had macaroni and cheese? PUH-LEASE.

ETA - Wow. Apparently I have strong feelings on this. Who knew??

Ahahahahahaha. Of course.

as Long as They Promise Not to Fuck

He definitely misinterpreted. Either that or I did...

This is not a false statement!

Good for Ciara. Now she’ll replace her robotic vibrator with a vibrating robot.


If it was “it took me 9 years because I had a family, or got deployed, or worked full time or battled health or mental health” then yeah, forgive it. But if it’s “9 years because I couldn’t find enough self-discipline to finish in 4-6“ then charge his ass.

It's not about taking too long, it's about how you're using your time I suppose. A lot of idiots I knew in college barely showed up to class or did any work, partied all the time, and finally dropped out. Why should that be tax payer funded?

I think that’s where special exemptions should come in. Need to take a semester off for family troubles or other personal issues? No problem. Take time off for some sort of public volunteer situation? No problem.

shhh don’t say that!!! I went to school for 2453564657 years and have 563456356 credits and no bachelors...fucking ADHD man....i changed my major like every semester and every semester was all “THIS IS IT IM GONNA DO IT!!!”

A finished degree should be a requirement to qualify for loan relief. With special exceptions of course. Repeated failure out of school? pay up mister.

Don’t you dare badmouth Steve! Without Steve the whole narrative falls apart!

The White Walkers were killed by climate change, not dragons.

He’s made some progress I see.

so they can't CGI any snow but they can CGI an entire battle ?

i will gladly ban anyone who attempts that here :)