
I’d exempt MMOs from this discussion. The entire premise of an MMO is to waste your time. With that said, FFXIV has a pretty good main story compared to the more recent ones.

250 awesome games is still nothing to scoff at

Yes but can you date Barret?????

Not sure Franken would be one to ask that question, of all questions...

Bonus points for the CGA graphics.

I don’t even see the Matrix code anymore. All I see is... blonde, brunette, redhead...

I’m the reverse engineer who did the fan translation in 1997 with two friends of mine. I know you think that Butz is a silly name, and I agree, but that’s what it is. His name in Japanese is バッツ (battsu), not バーツ (ba-tsu) as it would be if Bartz were intended. Various Japanese documents also showed his name in Latin

Shit, the War on Christmas is real

Captain Antilles is not Wedge’s father. They’re not related. Raymus is from Alderaan. Wedge is from Corellia.

I believe that was a call-out to his father, Captain Antilles of the Tantive IV.

How the heck do people figure that out?!

Sad to see no dates for the Southeast. Kinda surprising, but still excited,

I don’t know if I can stand for this list not including Donkey Kong Country 2, but at the same time I’m not sure what it would bump...maybe one of the RPGs?