People tend to tune out when ridiculous comparisons like this are thrown around. And I’m someone who loathes every fiber of James Dolan’s being. It’s pretty dumb.
People tend to tune out when ridiculous comparisons like this are thrown around. And I’m someone who loathes every fiber of James Dolan’s being. It’s pretty dumb.
I think he’s good at his job, and doesn’t require any preparation to accomplish it. I think he prepares even less than what they indicated. The problem is this became public.
Because no one’s presented a ‘reparations’ package that makes any sense. Saying the word ‘reparations’ doesn’t make it happen. What would your reparations package look like?
Let’s say we entertained and passed a reparations package that met all of the expectations of its proponents. What would happen then? Would we all be on equal footing? Would programs designed to undo institutional racism stay in place? Would we be a more prosperous society? What happens when you get what you want?
The ‘conservatives’ you speak of already rush to give plenty of way. It’s the methodology you don’t approve of. Rather than fork money over to the government to disburse/disperse, they choose private donation. The ‘words and teachings’ of Jesus Christ don’t include forfeiting your possessions to a purportedly…
You don’t get to decide what other people’s children deserve. That’s the point.
By all measures, Bauer is a dillweed. And he goes flying off the rails defending the Cleveland mascot. But I have to ask - do you really expect the employee of a baseball team to publicly crow about the imagery on his uniform? Yes, in a perfect world, everyone stands up and does the right thing. But that’s a pretty…