
My husband and I were together for 9 years before we finally got married. But we were young when when got together and weddings are expensive lol

That is almost certainly some weird Blossom nonsense involving Polly’s twins

Isn’t Killjoys back tonight? More Hannah John Kamen is never a bad thing

It was a refreshing change. But that’s been the whole show lol

I feel like while it’s slow, it’s thoughtful and interesting. So I don’t mind. And I’m surprised at how invested I am in the characters. 

My two year old daughter loves the Baby Loves Science series and the Once Upon a World books, particularly Cinderella which is set in Mexico. And we read Goodnight Moon every single night before bed... 

If her baby was back stage while her while she was getting ready she probably had them on hand. I imagine the back stage of a fashion show can be a pretty loud environment for an infant that you’re really hoping will sleep.

Pushing Daisies, Firefly and Humans. Humans is the only one I discovered while it was still airing lol. 

Having been shamed for nursing in public I’m all for this. If nothing else having it everywhere, even unrealistically glamorized, makes jerks uncomfortable. Which makes me happy.

I just want to break in to a zoo and hug a red panda lol

In a lots of states if they completely sign away their parental right they don’t have to financially support the child. If they want anything to do with the child, however, then they need to help with raising the child. It’s not the end of the world. You can’t have cake and not expect to pay for it. 

One of the things talked about in that segment is that CRISPR technology is actually super cheap. I’m not saying everyone can use it effectively but pretty much anyone can use it. 

I considered myself a Republican until I grew up, did my own research and stopped listening to my damn mother. I guess it just takes some people longer?

It’s really beautifully done. The first two episode especially. The scenes contrasting the characters and slow but thoughtful. And so far it’s not nearly as much teenage angst as I expected. It’s also refreshing how much they dialed back on all of the racial stereotypes lol.

I’ve been eyeing those. My daughter (also 2) currently loves the Baby Loves Science series.

It’s very cute. It’s become a go to baby shower gift for us lol. Along with Baby Loves Aerospace Enginnering (my husband’s an engineer) and Sharing with Renoir (for my extra super useful degree in art history). There are a lot of good board books out there. And I buy way too many lol.

My daughter actually really like This Little Trailblazer. And honestly, she should learn about Ada Lovelace and Maya Lin from an early age. I view the books as a starting point, not the whole story.

Yeah, that occurred to me about half way through my reply. But by that point I figured I’d just finish lol. I’ll probably stop engaging now though.

I wouldn’t encourage my daughter to go in to porn because it’s a hard career with a lot of toxic environments and social stigma. At the same time, I don’t want her to be a ballerina or a gymnast for the same reasons.

Contrary to popular belief, mistreating strangers was totally the problem with Sodom and Gommorah! Ugh! These people are the worst!