
Star Wars first came out when I was 14, so I have a long, lifetime affection for the series. That being said, I think it's time we all let it go. Rather than trying to come up with ways of "improving" works that are pretty much set — Lucas's tweeks here and there aren't going to change that — it might be more fun if

Bringing it back would be a good start, I'm thinking.

So, Galileo makes an argument in which he is correct and his opponent incorrect, and in pointing that out, Galileo makes his opponent look like an idiot. The opponent's response was to insist Galileo shut up and apologize for being right.

Oh, you're still thinking about her in the movie. Yeah, that's not a good idea. The costume, though....


So when is someone going to write an album about someone who really needs recognition, like the synthetic pleasuredroids of L-4 hub station zeta-prime? Something with a techno beat, I'm thinking.

Is it just me, or is there some prophetic about this news coming from a site called "Vulture?"

I like Alphas. It's not great, but it's consistently well done. The acting is good, the writing is reasonable and I genuinely like the characters, or at least care about what happens to them, which is more important.

I think they're looking at their dark, satanic lord, all praise his dark majesty. But that could just be me.

Let's be honest. True Blood is — pretty much like every show on HBO and Showtime (and Starz wishes) — is basically just soft-core porn. Not that I have anything against soft-core porn — or even hard-core porn — but it just seems like the only purpose of any story element is to allow our remarkably attractive cast of

The theatrical release of the Twin Peaks pilot was essentially the same until the last 10 or 15 minutes, at which point all logic is suspended and a resolution is tacked on that bares little or no resemblance to the rest of the piece. So, essentially, it was a precursor for pretty much every other film David Lynch

What, no Batdance?

Of all the myriad disappointments with Miracle Day, the biggest one, for me, was Oswald.

Real life doesn't have "plot holes." Real life doesn't have a plot. That's one of the major flaws in conspiracy theorist thinking, that the real world should behave like fiction.

Miracle Day had a lot of really interesting ideas. Unfortunately, it never really jelled into anything resembling a story. Overall, it was a significant disappointment. I really enjoyed the next to the last episode, and had hoped for a least a good conclusion, but that didn't happen.

This is why we can't have anything nice.

There you go letting those pesky "facts" get in the way.

Conspiracy theorist logic often works along the lines of, "Here's evidence that conspiracies have existed in the past, which gives credence to my conspiracy theory." It's pretty much like saying,"I have pictures proving that the house across the street used to be blue, which is evidence that supports my contention

It might have a shot if American Horror Story does well enough on FX, but that's pretty unlikely in itself.

Owns the publishing rights to particular works, not necessary to an author's entire oeuvre.