
It's my understanding that stimulating a woman's clitoris makes her think about chocolate.

There is a significant difference between what Charlie Jane is talking about and "the media," whatever that means. There is an even greater difference between what Charlie Jane is talking about and using the media for propaganda purposes to push a specific agenda, to rewrite history and to cover up government or

Something that actually mattered. As much as we may love it, all of the examples you gave are just entertainment, and entertainment is completely and utterly trivial in the scheme of things. So what if there's a JLA movie in which they're all teenagers? In what universe is that even remotely relevant to anything that

"But sometimes, geeks get mad for good reason, and when people assume nerd rage is trivial, it's part of an overall process of belittling geeks."

I'm not a fan of anime, generally speaking. Some is very good, of course, but most is simply campy. I'm also done with Star Trek; once a series gets a reboot — even a soft reboot like the JJ Abrams movie — it's pretty much over. The original Star Trek is done; I don't see anything a Sulu on the Excelsior series could

For the love of dog, no.

I would love to see a space opera that was not a pastiche of Star Trek or Star Wars, that was not campy and was not dark and dreary. Something in the spirit of Peter Hamilton's Pandora's Star/Judas Unchained or Dan Simmons' Hyperion Cantos could be great fun, I think.

Mind-controlled zombies are created all the time; they're called "husbands."

I think it's an opossum.

Man, skinks are such sluts.

For some reason, I'm imagining this sequence accompanied by A-Ha singing "Take Me On."

As a friend of mine puts it, he finds a woman who is willing to put a cylindrical object between her lips and suck on it quite appealing.

So, Francis Ford Coppola has decided to make a David Lynch movie. Way cool. I'm in.

Yeah. What he said.

We've watched the last few episodes, just to give it a try. Every time we run across it on the Tivo, the wife asks, "What's Falling Skies again?" And I say, "Jericho with aliens." And then she says, "You say that every time, but I just can't remember it." And then I say, "Maybe because it isn't very memorable."

Back when dinosaurs roamed the Earth, one of my favorite shows was Night Court. They regularly used the interrupted joke gag. The punchline was always the same — "And the nun said, 'Twenty dollars, same as in town.' "

So far, it's a pretty decent riff on "Death Takes a Holiday." I haven't decided whether the depiction of Rex is an example of the British opinion of Americans (assholes) or whether it's just a modern rendition of Stepin Fetchit. Or perhaps it was just completely unintentionally squirm inducing. Whatever it is, I hope

From personal experience, I can say that overall periods of unhappiness, or depression, or even just a generally pessimistic attitude make doing anything at all more difficult. In the pre-civilized wild, not hunting and gathering, not grooming and so on will lead to overall poor health, leading to sweet, sweet death

Dudes, you're arguing that it would be stupid for a fictional superhero to wear armor. Definitely time to stop taking things so seriously.

It's been so long since I read the book that I don't remember when they take dialog directly from the text. GRRM does really good dialog.