
the old benefit of the doubt for democrats eh?

Literal rats will come poring out from underneath her royal skirt and whisper into the ear of every British citizen that the Queen is dead, and the first person to grab the crown and sit on the Throne of Power is the new queen.

Cheeto Hitler

Likely a direct result of Obamacare provisions.

Seriously, I’m hoping by June people are going to give up this “we’re doomed” mindset.

It’s more of a numbers game. For example, there are way fewer illegal Irish in the US. (It’s estimated that there are 50,000 in the US.) So, there deportation numbers are going to be lower than say the illegal Mexican population which is estimated to be around 6.5 million. The undocumented population as a whole is

Yes it must suck to be willfully breaking the law and have to worry about getting caught . . . willfully breaking the law.

“Opinion” is a legal term for a court’s written ruling.

can you just save your money like a regular person rather than paying for shit on layaway ? You can’t actually take your stuff home until you pay for it. Don’t you have some sort of savings account ? If you don’t then maybe you should consider getting one and then learning a bit of self control to manage your money a

If Taxi drivers want to actually improve their service to combat Uber, more power to them. But that’s not whats happened in America, and that’s one of the reasons so many people aren’t using them anymore.

Kerry and the Obama administration finally admitted Daesh is carrying out a genocide against Yazidis, Christians and other religious minorities so you can leave the ‘may’ out. Prioritizing base on genocide seems like a good idea to me. It’s also easier for Muslim refugees to be taken in by near by Muslim countries.

Friendly reminder that the reign of the last Emperor of France ended in 1870 after a largely peaceful police coup which occurred in the aftermath of the Emperor’s surrender to the Prussians.

Haha, holy shit calm down. I say this as a gay male.

If you are doubting whether to have kids based on Trump’s election, then please do not have kids.

She’s a nanny who had to have made an extraordinary amount were the taxes levied on her as high as has been stated. Ordinarily, I would agree with you but “babysitter” was stretching it. Not by you, by them.

Yeah, but see it from their side. If you believe abortion is the same as MURDERING AN INFANT, that’s not a women’s autonomy issue, that’s a preventing murder issue. Viewed through that lens there’s really no conflict with women’s rights.

Banning political parties seems like not a great way to protect democracy tbh.

This makes me extremely uncomfortable. A few months ago we were talking about how dangerous it was for Trump to be questioning the legitimacy of our democratic process, and how it undermined our entire system of peaceful power transition.