
The one major thing that independence would do for Puerto Rico is get them out from under the federal minimum wage so they can get their unemployment rate down.

Europeans got zero from the Arabs, who got it from India.

Armed revolutions succeed not by defeating the military, but by convincing the military that firing on civilians is a bad idea and that joining the revolution is a better option.

Which he was free to do because the Constitution outranks DOJ guidelines.

I also question why their malpractice insurer hasn’t quadrupled their rates.

At 13% of the population, blacks are also responsible for about 50% of the homicides in this country.

Most economists believe we shouldn’t tax corporations at all because they just pass the tax on to employees, customers, and shareholders. If you want to tax rich people, tax rich people.

As have liberals. Half the articles on this site are whining about how rich people have too much money.

It’s the difference between positive and negative rights. Negative rights are those that prohibit someone from doing something to you (right to free speech, for example) while positive rights are those that obligate someone to do something to or for you (right to healthcare, for example).

Is it racist? Or is just good business because the vast majority of women in this country are white?

While true, there are also several crimes that go hand in hand with illegal immigration: fraud, identity theft, counterfeiting, and perjury.

Marginal tax rates are only useful for figuring out individual tax strategies, not comparing people (especially under a completely different tax code with different deductions and credits).

He’s been deported multiple times. Maybe he should’ve gotten the message?

I just think it’s funny this article was written right after Splinter started promoting Onion articles (with no posted warning that they’re satire).

It got its name from its founder: Hugh White. I can’t entirely blame you for your ignorance because this article implies there’s something nefarious about the name.

He’s right though. There are billions of people around the world with no or only sporadic electricity. Access to electricity is directly correlated to longer lifespans and better quality of life. Fossil fuels are the cheapest way to provide that electricity to really poor people. So check your privilege basically.

How can you hate the crossword puzzle?!?!

I think the problem comes from calling everyone you disagree with a racist. It makes the word useless when someone actually is a racist and needs to be called out on it.

Let’s not pretend that liberals are willing to have an honest conversation about this issue either. There’s a reason the Sanders plan leaves out the details of how it will be paid for.

Think of it as sand-blasting the Wall with fine ice particles.