I just can't wrap my mind around any parent willfully allowing their child to be hurt in any way, let alone actually inflicting damage upon their child.
I just can't wrap my mind around any parent willfully allowing their child to be hurt in any way, let alone actually inflicting damage upon their child.
I think social programs are important and it's really sad that the people who abuse them (who are certainly out there) make "welfare" a dirty word.
Yeah, that kind of bothered me, too. We're mostly adults on this site... I think most of us know the basics about how to eat well.
To summarize - learn to cook like a chef who has trained/cooked for 20-30 years and do everything yourself from scratch with top quality ingredients at home.
Body positivity isn't about recognizing what you hate about yourself. It's about accepting that you're beautiful the way you are...
So, I'm just shy of 5 ft tall and I have a post-baby muffin top. I still fit in size 2 jeans in American Eagle, for context.
I'm just here to say that mayo, mayonnaise, whatever... is disgusting.
I hate that any mom that isn't hovering over her children 100% of the time is lumped in with the neglectful parents, sometimes. It's usually a passive association - like, "Oh, well, I Pinterest/Helicopter/etc. Parent and that makes me a good parent compared to the moms that don't engage their kids all the time!"
Awesome response - thanks!
My thoughts exactly - from a purely logical standpoint, it makes more sense to me that you would want to sterilize men if your goal is population control. It's easier, cheaper, safer, and arguably would prevent the most potential pregnancies, unless I'm missing something (entirely possible).
Actually, I think I read somewhere that the artificial food coloring red (I like it's Red #40?) is made with ground up beetles or something. So, technically, you're absolutely right?
Just what I've seen - the majority of people that I personally know either have no clue what's going on the world or in America and will just vote blue or red per A) what they've always done, B) what their family does, or C) what their friends do.
My usual opinion on celebrities is that we don't know them and can't because everything they do is scripted. They have to appear a certain way, and cultivate a certain image. So there's really no point in getting all excited about articles that give us insight into celebrity's, since it's all just a part of the act.
Ahh, I don't like the wording. everyone is entitled to their opinion - I just don't think anyone is entitled to cram their opinions down others' throats, unwanted. Same as anything, really. People are going to have their own thoughts and feelings, and those feelings are valid for them... it's just polite to be…
My corgis will not dance with me. They get too excited and end up frapping all over the place....
My toddler opened the cabinet beneath the sink and picked up a bag of pods. She brought them to me with an excited look on her face and shoved the bag into my hands, expectantly saying, "Cookie?"
Honestly, I feel like no "tip" or "trick" can save a marriage that isn't well made in the beginning.
We both enjoy cooking, and I'd say we're equally good at it. In fact, the second time my husband invited me over, he made me dinner - I still remember what he made, too! Roasted chicken thighs, corn, and mashed potatoes - simple, but well-seasoned and tasty. I reciprocated by having him over for steaks, medium rare.
We don't have cable. We have an antennae thingie for the regular channels and rely on Netflix and our epic movie collection for anything else.
Oh, I was allll about fruit. Especially blackberries. I couldn't stand the sight or smell of meat for a few weeks, which was devastating because I normally love meat.