
Don't worry I got it:
It's great women are directing every episode but it sucks for the ones who get stuck directing the pointless filler (the 1/3rd of the episodes that aren't gold-plated gold).
Maybe they'll learn and make the season order 5 episodes short next time, or throw in some case-of-the-week stuff.

That's so true, I'm just watching the new Black Mirror and Easy on Netflix and it seems like all 'quality TV' seems to be going either super—serialized or super-stand-alone, there's less stuff in the middle (on streaming platforms at least, cable and network TV still exist).

Yea. They seem to be counting the Christmas one as the first of the season I guess. Which is incorrect.

It would have been a cool twist if that guy was never there. I can't remember if he met him before going into the white room or not but if he's just seen the CEO on the magazine cover and added him into the simulation but never met him. That interpretation is ruined by the fact he turns up at the end.

Yup. He is my claim to fame.
I also know one of the runners who apparently appeared as an extra but I couldn't spot her.

I like that each season has a mix of more "real world" episodes and further out stuff.

I actually liked the opening stuff with him and the girl more than the rest of the episode, I said at the time "I wouldn't mind if the whole episode was these guy's relationship".

Really? I watched Shut Up and Dance with my flatmates and we were all really creeped out by it.

Yea I thought it was so weird they'd even have phones in the room if they could interfere that badly but the rest of the episode made up for that.

What about someone who doesn't bother with a costume at all?

Force ghost at the end of Episode 6. Even the pre-special edition version was a white dude.

I agree but really neither is great and I wouldn't re-watch either by choice. Which is a shame because I should love a Thor film in theory.

I wasn't the only one who thought that then. Honestly at first I thought it was fan made because the shots looks pretty similar and the titles looked like they'd just been hued purple.

Neither did I, it's hidden away on the DVD (the UK ones anyway) but I don't remember ever hearing about it before I decided to browse through the special features.

In fact you could basically watched the unpaired pilot on the DVD and then just to episode 6.
If I remember correctly the original pilot basically covered the first 5 episodes worth of over-arching plotline.

I still think he'd make a great Joker.

There's a similar problem with Doctor Who in the UK. I have some friends who think it's a great kids program and hate it when it gets too dark and takes itself seriously, and others who think it's a great science fiction show and hate when it gets too dumb and childish.
The problem is they're both right, the show's

Turns out David Mitchell said it even better: "I had no choice to but respectively downgrade what I thought had been my enjoyment in the moment. My enjoyment was predicated on it amounting to something"…
I think with modern franchise blockbusters there's two levels of enjoyment, one is how

I feel like the same thing could happen with The Force Awakens. If Rian Johnson doesn't do a good job with the sequels (and I'm sure he will) it might retroactively be remembered worse.
Come to think of it, it happens with a lot of TV shows too or any serialized story people change their opinion of the set-up if they

"There's a double-standard there. People complain he's boring, then complain when he's humanized"
It would only be a double-standard if they were the same people.
On a planet with 7 billion people different people are going to want Superman to be different things, it's not a double-standard unless you expect all