
I agree, I think it all comes down to Marvel getting the rights back to Spiderman late in the game, the scene in Queens felt like a post-credits sting stuck in the middle of the film, then they added him into the airport fight so he'd have something to do.
I'd rather they just teased the character with some throw-away

"titles can't be copyrighted"
Tell that to the law suit I got for selling my film "Lord of the Rings: The Return of the Kind".

A good bad movie is like a good pratfall, it's funnier when it's unintentional.

That makes sense, I don't mean to sound like NotAllMen but I also don't want alcohol to become a scapegoat for someone's shitty actions.
What that guy did was awful and you deserved better.

Online shopping my friend, online shopping.
You can get your booze and your food all from your phone and then use that phone to look for a date.
You will have to get dressed for the date I'm afraid, unless otherwise agreed.

The great thing is meeting people out in the real-world worked for you, it worked for a lot of people and everyone else tolerated it because there wasn't another option.
Now there is another option, which makes the whole situation even better, most people use it in addition to meeting people in public and at parties

I live in London and I guess I just don't go out enough to meet people in those environments.
Also I personally would never feel comfortable approaching someone in that context.
The best thing about this age of online dating is that people who want to meet in bookstores and cafes still can but the rest of us have an

But there's food and alcohol at home and you don't even need to get dressed.

I'm very glad I didn't miss out.
I can't see the downside of it being an option, all the pre-Internet dating options still exist for those who prefer that, but I would have hated to grow up when the only options for romantic/sexual partners were co-workers, friends, friends-of-friends or hitting on a stranger in bar.

The A.V. Club
niche as fuck

Wow, did not know that about the last two seasons of SG1 and I considered myself a major fan of that show at the time.
I feel like those were closer to the earlier seasons than Scrubs: Med School was, they still had most of the same recurring cast the format was the same. It started some new plot-lines but it didn't

So it seems this show was a bigger hit in the UK than it was in the US. I remember it being on repeats all the time alongside Friends (before Big Bang Theory and How I Met Your Mother took over).
I got all my friends into Community by selling it as "like Scrubs but in a community college" which was admittedly

Wasn't the last season supposed to be a spin-off?
I swear it was initially promoted as 'Scrubs: Med School' here in the UK before it became Season 9 of Srubs proper.
I think it would have got more of a chance had it been a spin-off.

I find alcohol often gives people the confidence to do something they've always wanted.
I assume a lot of people who become sexually violent when drunk are already repressing most of those things when sober.
I've heard people try and twist the logic that if they get drunk and have sex with someone too-drunk-to-consent

That's not at all how my drunk brain works, or how most people I know act when drunk.
I'm not denying there are problems connected to alcohol consumption but it doesn't turn everyone into a rapist.
Being drunk doesn't make a normal person jump from seeing someone they friend attractive to sexually assaulting that person.

Wow, it must be an American thing because every club I've been to the in the UK (which, granted, is not many and was years ago) the security is over-cautious, which is definitely the right direction to go.
I've seen bouncers forcibly ejecting people and splitting up fights all the time, I guess it's more necessary in

In that regard it's the most comic booky of all the comic book movie franchises, along with the comic book style aging of the characters in the last few films.
I wouldn't say it's either a positive or a negative but it is interesting and the movies tend to be enjoyable outside of the continuity, which is how I enjoy my

Exactly. I'd say on average the percentage of hits of misses is about the same for both franchises but the misses in the X-Men franchise are more actively bad instead of just boring.

Well speaking of cult, nerd comedy actors Richard Ayoade's name came up a lot in my group of friends when we were dream-casting the role just before Capaldi got it.
I agree moving away from the God complex thing would be good, I guess it mostly comes down to the writing.

That's not a bad choice. I've not seen him in anything other than that or Red Dwarf so I'm not sure about his range for dramatic scenes but he has a really good quirky energy which would fit the role.