
*cough*or Scottish*cough*

I've been really hoping for a female actor to take over the Doctor but really don't want Moffat to write her (or him depending on how the character identifies).
I like Moffat but he really doesn't have the best track record with variety of female characters and I fear his female Doctor would just be River Song again or

You talking about Moffat? You know it's already confirmed that he's leaving after next season (hence the year off this year for handing over)?
Chris Chibnall is taking over, which I wouldn't be too excited for considering the episodes he contributed but he ran season 2 of Torchwood and I thought that was pretty great

Or it will end up being a 'The Next Doctor' type scenario, which would be a shame as that was one of the worst Christmas specials the show has done, the only worse example I can think of is 'The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe'

They started basically started during the Eccleston Era, as the first one was before Tennant's first full season.
I would say 11 years is enough time to call something a 'tradition'.

"What's nicer than a roast?"
"Yeah, but chain-eating roasts???"

And so concludes the Lost trilogy.

That's why I've never passed (and lost track of how many attempts I've had)!
I don't feel so bad now, fortunately I live in London where you don't need to drive but it's still depressing to realize you live in a country where you'll never pass the test, each attempt is so expensive as well.
Self driving cars can't come

He was in a Dan Harmon pilot back in the early 2000s.

Well they never specified how they were "used".
Turns out it was as a promotional tool to generate news stories.

I mean there's some crossover between the biggest dildo and the smallest traffic cone.

Maybe she just wanted to focus on family or something else. It is a very stressful industry and I could see why somebody would decide it wasn't for them after a few films, espeailly if they had enough money to live very comfortably for the rest of their lives.

Everywhere I work is usually jeans and T-shirts but I still go with the jeans shirt combo, with a jumper or blazer if it's cold.

Most of the time if you get easy-iron shirt you can just hand them up straight out of the wash, if they dry hanging up they won't be creased.
I've worn shirts like that to weddings and funerals, as long as you have a good suit on top they're fine.
Even a suit you don't have to iron often if you rarely wear it and store

It's such a shame she's disappeared off the face of the earth, I mean it seems like it was her choice to leave the industry but I would be super excited if she made a come back.
Although editing technology has comes a ridiculously long way since the early 80s, the principles of storytelling are the same.

"Otherwise, you have to rely on being born into a rich family, which is mighty hard to arrange."
As is being born with athletic talent or acting skill.
Ideally you need a mix of both. You could have all the raw acting skills in the world but if you're born to a poor family in a developing country it's not going to get

They made fun of him a lot, so he got in contact and appeared on their show.
They then saw he was a cool, albeit weird guy and stop making fun of him… to his face, they still do occasionally when he's not on the show but they're far kinder to him now.
Perhaps you should offer to appear, they've worked with Patton Oswalt.

Neither do I, I begrudge them exactly the same as those who play on sports teams.
Maybe a little less.

Good thing they're not doing that. They're comparing one comparison to another comparison.
Comparison comparisons.
The point is you can always find something bigger to compare something to so it doesn't seem so extreme, be it murder or a paycheck but doing that doesn't mean anything.

My housemate got that and Black Ops 3 with his PS4, we played the Zombie mode on Black Ops more than the entirety of Battlefront.
And then I bought DOOM and we haven't played anything else since.