
The nebulous idea of "style" in this case being how bland and boring the show looks. It's television for Christ sake, if looks and style don't matter it might as well be a radio show.
I'm not asking for a Guy Ritchie film but something other than basic coverage of people in generic costumes standing in boring rooms

That's not a super high bar to clear.
I mean there are more superhero shows than ever before but it's not like being the best medical drama or police precederal or sitcom-about-middle-class-white-people-in-NYC.

I saw the last 1/4 of season 1, still wasn't impressed. It doesn't have to be dark just better all round.
I'm worried my standards have just gotten to high for genre shows. I think I was ruined by early Joss Whedon stuff, I find myself asking "why am I watching this when I could be re-watching the best seasons of Buffy

Maybe I'll give it a miss then.
I'm so behind on TV right now, I've still got Sense8, OTNB, Transparent and so many other shows to finish, let alone all the stuff I hear is great but haven't started.
Is it possible to just jump in when it gets good and half-watch a couple of episodes when I'm too bored for anything

If I do jump back in (and that's a big if, with my TV schedule how it is) can I just jump in at season 4 or whenever it gets properly good?
Because that's the major deciding factor, and how much better are we talking?
I thought the end of season 1 was basically unwatchable (even with Patton Oswalt) and my problems went

I gave up on House of Cards after season 2 or whenever he became president and knocked on that table.
That was the point I realized they had a slightly longer game planned than I was interested in, I was expecting a tight thriller about the rise and fall of this man and that seemed to be where season 1 was going but it

Does anyone know if there's a reason for that? It's not like Netflix collect more ad revenue from more episodes and they don't really advertise the number of episodes ahead of time.
If most people are binge watching the series anyway, surely it would be a smarter move to give them something stronger that's a little

Don't they only review the first few episodes? Which isn't super helpful when the common problem is them loosing steam towards the end.

I think they're knocking it out of the park the marketing but they all tend to falter in the last third.
Jessica Jones had a great pilot and some good stuff in the middle but it just started to drag and could have easily been a brilliant show had it been 4 episodes shorter.

Has it? I haven't watched since the beginning but has it overtaken Agent Carter, Jessica Jones, Daredevil and whatever other superhero stuff is on TV? "Top tier" is becoming a high watermark.
I keep hearing it's improved but I fell for that several times during season 1 and it was never true, same with Arrow.
I just

But temp tracks aren't the problem, they're another symptom of the problem.
I guess we're getting at the same thing, but the use of temp tracks and bland themes are both caused by laziness and lack of risk taking.
But if they stopped using temp tracks tomorrow it wouldn't magically make them less lazy and the theme

Exactly my point.
You can't blame temp tracks for the problem, because even when they don't use them they still come up with generic, bland tracks. Even when they hire Danny Elfman they don't get anything particularly inspiring.
It's clearly a systematic problem that can't easily be blamed on one thing.

"If I don't have enough money for food and a decent tip, I'm not eating there, period."
Which is exactly what you should do in America, at least until you guys fix the system so everyone in the service industry earns a living wage without relying on tips.
In the UK the culture is to tip for above average service or if

I saw that Every Frame a Painting video too. What it didn't mention is that's only true of the incidental music.
The Avengers still has a main theme that isn't set to a temp track. The use of temp music in blockbusters is pretty egregious but I don't think it's the only factor that leads to non-memorable theme music.

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - Anybody else with me on that?

I didn't even realize it was the same character. Hopefully he'll come back again and the plot will thicken.

I think you mean "and it was the best one."

Nice to see my home town of Chipping Norton mentioned in the comments.
Wish it was popular for more than just "technically" being Clarkson's home town though, he may share a post-code with us but he lives on a large estate outside of the town itself.

Surely that has more to do with looks than age.
It's fair to cast someone who looks like a highs schooler if that's the role, but there should be no reason to discriminate against someone's age if they look the part.

Quantity and non-sequiturs were my game. Just send bizarre messages to 20-30 people and you'll get 1-10 responses (which is a better rate I got from just saying "hey").