
It can be two things. Scripts get changed all the time, all through production, they fact they don't improve the female characters says something.

It really is a shame that it's a no-win situation because I would hate for big studios to look at this as an example of how it's harder to merchandise non-white properties and use it as an excuse to stick with what they've been doing for years.
I understand the criticism, I just wish there was an easy, controversy-free

"Well, it wasn't your briss."
Indeed it wasn't and they didn't take kindly to my criticism, they wanted to bury their heads in the sand.
It was just like the famous saying: Ignorance's briss.

"Hey they're worth more in the original packaging. "

I've not found that to be true. Guess it depends on your demographic and what apps you use.
Do people still use dating 'sites'? Is it still 2008 and no one told me?

I've not found that to be true. Guess it depends on your demographic and what apps you use.
Do people still use dating 'sites'? Is it still 2008 and no one told me?

When you're the only one in the room is when you can be most creative.

Everyone grew up with very different rituals and experiences with cinema which I find fascinating.
As a child I only went to the cinema once or twice a year and it was always an entire family affair. I never earned enough pocket money to buy my own tickets and it was very expensive for my dad to take the entire family.

That's how I remember it being marketed, just wondered if I was mistaken.
Cursing is certainly something that's all but disappeared from family films (it was so nice to hear it again in Stranger Things), and yet it's still something people of my parents' generation complain about.

I'm guessing that experience was more exclusive to the kind of people who frequency The AV Club.
For what it's worth my younger sister loved The Social Network when she around 12 and I'm willing to bet there are kids that age excited for the next season of Orange is the New Black.
I was 12 when Lost started and that was

"Is it cheaper to film stuff that way?"
It can be quicker and, if you're paying Leonardo Dicaprio and a full crew, a few days of VFX are cheaper than driving and setting up at each location.

I agree it's pretty great apart from the terrible miscasting of Emma Frost.

"Do kids still watch movies like this at age 10?"
I imagine things like The Help and The Blind Side are seen by more than a few kids, probably with their church group.
There must be a few others based on best-selling novels but I can't think of them off the top of my head.

I remember seeing the film as a kid as well and it being often quoted on the playground.
Why was the film seen by so many children? Was it marketed as a family film? Is it a family film?
I remember being bored by it as a child and when I re-watched it as a teenager.

Really? That was an option this whole time???

Saw him in London. He was very funny.

No joke I knew a healthy-eating obsessed vegetarian who was scolding me on my diet and how "meat gives you cancer" while rolling a cigarette.
I felt no need to point out the irony at the time because I wanted to continue to have a working relationship with this individual but it made it easier to dismiss their views

Interesting, I always wondered why more games didn't just use a second mouse or keyboard, I assumed the driver wouldn't be able to differentiate them

I remember my dad introduced me to this game the same time he introduced me to DOOM, I remember being far more interested in the later.
We tried the 3D version of Lemmings at some point which we both agreed was not as good.

They did in 2003. They shot a pilot called Young Macgyver, starring a Jared Pickledick.