
It's actually pretty lukewarm.

I remember in the UK when they first introduced "unlimited internet" there was a "fair usage agreement" which acted exactly the same way a as cap.
If you downloaded more than 60GB a month (I think), they would throttle your speed to almost nothing.
I remember all those longer conversations my dad would have technical

"I'm going to take a bold stance here"
That's an italic stance, this is a bold stance.

Not only that but the fact PFT knew all along and was just waiting for him to find out, ready to savoir the moment.
I pays off so brilliantly, hearing someone loose faith in their hero live and having to play it off and make it funny.

Just wanted to pop in and say I loved that story. I found out over the last few years it's a lot more popular than I originally thought.

Which is what happens when people start blocking ads. Same with TV, if people skip the ads then companies will resort to product placement instead.
I say this as someone who skips ads and uses an ad blocker.

Yea, I forget just how intrusive ads are until I have to browse on another computer and it's like I'm on an entirely different version of the internet.

I've also worked with an actor who plays a small role in the up-coming season of Black Mirror but sadly he couldn't tell me anything about it and only met Charlie Brooker at the read through.
I'm full of fun facts today.

Fun fact: I just finished working in the same building as Charlie Brooker's production company House of Tomorrow. I was there for 9 months but sadly never saw him (the building is giant).

I didn't describe them as anything, I'm not the original commenter you were replying to.
Also they didn't seem to be saying that rich people can't have interesting problems, just that this particular character didn't.
In fact they specified "irritating first world problems" which implies there are in fact "non-irritating

Not sure where you got that from.

That's before they had an online store.

Most terrestrial TV is still broadcast in SD in the UK and the HD looks worse than youtube,
The majority of my film collection is still on DVD, I honestly can't see myself getting a 4K TV in the next 10 years unless there's a monumental price drop.
A good bitrate HD is more than enough and would upscale to 4K nicely.

Once a decade seems average for the general person (non AV-fan) though.
A few years ago, I had to convince my parent to finally dump their bulky SDTV after 15 or so years by offering to buy it off them.

Because that technology didn't exist then, not at that price point.
That's like saying "They'll come out with a new console generation in 10 years, why not just come out with those consoles now?"

Come to the world of tea, you still get a morning pick-me-up without any of those side effects (unless you have a lot of it).

"ETA: it's also the best Spider-Man movie we've gotten so far."
Spider-Man 2 would disagree with you on that, but it's perhaps the best Spider-Man in a movie we've gotten so far.
Personally I just didn't believe the central conflict and thought the plot had a habit of jumping all over the place, like it was in a rush to

Agreed on Civil War and I keep forgetting it's well liked (for more than the Airport and Spidey scene).
It's not the weakest of the Mavel films but nearer the bottom than the top.

As a long-time caffeine addict I find the best strategy is not to kick it at all, just reduce the quantity when you can
In the past from 2 Proplus (caffeine pills) just to wake up every morning down to a couple of cups of tea. You just have to slowly reduce the quantity not go cold turkey.
I went back to Proplus

Is it weird I can still recognize where he is in the level?