
You also get two Simpsons quote replies to every comment you make (instead of the usual one).

Good, I thought 'not looking at me' was going to be extra,

Fair enough.
I just thought tonally it was all over the place but we might have already have had this conversation.
It's a film with two attempted suicides and a somber tone throughout, except for that airport fight in the middle which is suddenly a live-action Saturday morning cartoon.
I also never believed the central

"watched a bunch of clips on youtube."
That's probably the best way to watch the film. There were plenty of individually cool moments (although mostly around that airport fight) but they didn't come together in a satisfying whole.

No the robot overlords will be complaining about us.

Gillian Jacobs?

There are other, far better programs that are actually "a spreadsheet for music files".
If that's what you want iTunes is probably the worst of the options.

"Should the rape occur first?"
It depends if you're in a 2002 Steven Spielberg film?
If so then No.
If not then Yes.

Or learn to be sneakier.

Not necessarily.
You could have a formula, where an element of the formula is leaving things for the audience to figure out. I'm too tired to think of an example right now but "formulaic" doesn't mean "dumb".

I agree although I wouldn't go as far as calling it "great". I lost all interest as soon as Dexter basically became a vigilante instead of a serial killer.
I think I'm one of the few that likes season 1 more than 4.
The show should have done the season 4 plot line in it's second season and ended with a third season

Out of curiosity I have a hypothetical for you:
If they cast a masculine-looking woman to play the Doctor and used prosthetics so they looked indistinguishable from a man <>(more masculine than Matt Smith), would that still be a problem for you?
I find it fascinating where people draw the line when it comes to

I prefer the term 'drama king'.

A. Is there any reason the Doctor should stay a man?
B. The Doctor can't control his regenerations and if he didn't want to identify as female he wouldn't have to (even if his body was feminine). Personally that's my preference, Tilda Swinton playing the Doctor identifying as male.
C. Why is this even a debate? We're

Advising writers not to use a word in a style guide is not a "ban", it's allowed in the context of awards and I'm sure it's still used in quotations.
They're also not banning anyone else from using it, which is how the word 'ban' is usually used.

The original script for the pilot of Community referenced this trope heavily but by the time the final cut of the pilot aired it was cut down to the point where it wasn't so much parodying the trope as it was doing it and then immediately commenting on it.

You mean straight, because there's totally the white, sassy gay friend already.

Yea, it's just funny to have characters randomly hate on something. Besides it's perfectly in-character for Jeff and Annie, characters disliking something doesn't have to be a veiled attack from the writers.

He admits to doing cocaine on his podcast (and meth once) so you're in the clear.
Edit: Although he also admits to reading AV Club comments and dislikes seeing comments making fun of his weight, so you're back out of the clear.

Netflix is starting to for some of it's Original series but it's usually just very short featurettes made up of cast interviews.