
I guess it depends on the good dead the the culture you are apart of, a medieval fantasy world where those indebted to you may die at any moment would provide less rewards.
And then there's the philosophical question: if you're only doing 'good' deeds in the hope of reward are they really 'good' or just' pragmatic'?

I'm not a US citizen - voted anyway. Take that constitution!

See I'm the opposite, I always used to just play sandboxes to have fun, main quest be damned!
I'd just do the side-quests I found interesting or drive around making up my own story, often forgetting there was one that the game was trying to tell.
The down side is that this narrative was never satisfying and I'd

You need to gain money and weapons to defat the big bad you can:
A. Complete quests for these villagers in return for a small payment and experience points.
B. Murder all the villagers and take all their money and stuff.
Option B should make the game easier but really drive home the emotional impact on the player.

"Have paragon come with negative consequences occasionally, dammit."
Heck have the "good" choices come with more negative consequences than the "bad" ones.
In life people don't get rewarded for being good, they do it out of a sense of morality. Often the "bad" decision is the one that makes our life easier and sometimes

"But there's definitely something to be said for just barreling through and playing the game more honestly I guess? Just accepting whatever consequences may come"
This is why I love a lot of Telltale games for having very few "fail states"/ Whatever you do you're just encouraged to go forward, it even lets you go

"To me it's the only real Star Wars because it's the only one where people are believably touched by war."
What about people who have been touched by stars? (Resist urge to make Jimmy Savel / Bill Cosby joke)

I hard Mark Kermode use it in his review of London Has Fallen but yes that was to point out the "correct usage".
He gets into a funny rant about a news caster using the phrase "most of the major landmarks have been decimated" and what that even means.

I loved KOTOR 1 when I played it when I was younger, I never really got into the second one (maybe got a quarter of the way through before replaying the first one again).
Admittedly it tended to glitch out on my machine a lot and I'm starting to think now I might not have been old enough to appreciate the story and

Yes that too but sadly it didn't turn Tara into a badass, sadly they went for an even more disappointing trope.

That too but clearly it's based on medieval England, more specifically The War of the Roses with added dragons.
If you want some spoilers even book readers don't know just look up that part of history.

Exactly, that's how I'm introducing my girlfriend to the films. Am I doing it wrong?

Exactly, it was a nice way of showing time had passed and even the droids had been having their own adventures off-screening. Showing how it happen though is the very definition of 'world-shrinking'.

Obviously the langue for these shows has to be modernised so the audience can understand it, if it was accurate to the time period it would be almost incomprehensible to modern audiences but I always find it weird thinking about where they should draw the line.
It would be super weird if they used the work 'fleek' or

Maybe Willow in Buffy season 6 but that's a stretch, she was already on her way to evil bad-ass territory and the magic dealer didn't technically "rape" her as far as we know (he was just creepy).

I would love to see a full cast in the TARDIS again, with a mix of humans, aliens and androids of varying genders and race from a variety of time period but if the show insists on only having one main one they should be a different gender to the Doctor.

"I don't think boys are watching Doctor Who for the companions."
If anything they'd rather not have them.

That's also why LOTS of starwars merchandise doesn't show human faces, my friend who worked at Disney told me this and I couldn't unsee it. I had a Starwars advent calendar and under EVERY day was either a Stormtrooper, Darth Vader, Yoda, C3PO, R2D2 or another Stormtrooper.
Not a single human face in sight, because

Well that just makes the whole situation even more messed up. I can understand why she'd lie but I don't want to just assume she is either.
I don't know what to think any more, it's such an ugly concept that I don't want to believe it but I also don't want to dismiss it.
I'll just say I hope it's not true, partly out of

Oh really :(
I never saw or heard that interview, I saw something on some blog/gossipt site that must have been before then (otherwise they'd surely have mentioned it).
That's gutting, can you give me a link.