
If you turn out to be wrong I will retract my up vote and feel very bad but right now the only "source" I've seen is one article quoting an anonymous source who is talking about something that happened to their anonymous friend. That's two degrees of anonymity and no reputable publication attached.
No one (that I know

I know I haven't.

He's in the trailer.

We had a player like this, in fact my family's last few DVD's players have been region-free and they never paid more than £50 for one.
Sadly it's not the same for Bluray players.

Ah, that's probably why. Either I heard he was leaving and assumed that meant the show was ending or just forgot about it.
My excited for next season is slightly tempered but we'll have to wait and see how the show goes without him. Depending on the behind-the-scenes hand-over it could work, I know the scripts are

Wait… I just found out for the first time there's another series of Veep! I don't know why but I was under the impression season 4 was the end.
When did this happen???
I'm happy freaking out right now.

Really because It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Bojack Horseman and , Seinfeld* are basically shows built around people (or animals) being dicks to each other and general terrible.

I love Winter Solider but I'd say calling it '90% old school spy thriller' is not an accurate description of the film.
On run time along, that third act (which is about a million miles away from an old school spy thriller) is at least quarter of the run time.

I thought that too. I did have to wait long enough for the Edgar Wright sting to fade, so I watched it recently with an open mind and it was… fine. Perhaps more than fine but not great.
But then I thought the same of the first Iron Man film.

But what if you don't have kids?
I've tried raising other people's kids but I just get a restraining order and called mean names.
Who's the real victim here?

Oh. That link made me sad :(.
I think I knew that story (although, sadly, there are so many I can't be sure ) but didn't know it was about the comic's creator.
I suppose the difference with it being an interactive story is that you can to tailer how you experience and respond to the narrative.
I noticed the treatment of

I agree. In fact I'm glad I scrolled down because now I can delete my comment as you've said the something better.
Another related example would be Louis CK making jokes about being lazy when he's clearly ridiculously busy and hard working.
It's not because he think's it's true, it's because he thinks it's funny.

I really need to check that out then. I think I preferred walking dead because it was the first of their games I played and wasn't expecting the ending.
But otherwise I think TWAU might edge it out.

Interesting, I played it as a bad-ass murderer the first time round but it was on my university housemate's PS3, because the episodes were so delayed I didn't get to play episode 5 before I moved out.
When I replayed the entire game on my own, I played it straight, just for some variety Bigby was a good-cop and

I think it's a bit but the clip at the end cut-out before the punch-line. That's what I assumed.

Well now I have a word for exactly what I am. Thanks to a freakish metabolism I'm underweight for my height but far from healthy. I know people who are vastly more healthy than myself but technically heavier.

"But yeah, the whole idea of a TV schedule, or having to concern yourself with being in front of a TV at a certain time to catch something, is clearly and irretrievably dead."
Except for sports! That's the last thing traditional TV makers have to latch on to.
I've heard them talk at events saying:
"Traditional TVs not

My parents cut the cord a long time ago (we were a DVD rental-by-post household for ten years before streaming took off).
My littlest sister is 9 and she's only grown up with streaming, when we went to a holiday cottage with TV but no internet she was baffled that she couldn't decide what to watch or pause/rewind.

"The problem comes in when restaurants claim gluten-free but really mean there's only this tiny bit of gluten and who will know?"
Surely that's the fault of the restaurant not the dieters. It's definitely false advertising and potentially more serious, more people should be taking these places to court because "most

Haha that does sound weird.
I know a few people who have 'retired' and just do open-mics with no plan of getting better or going anywhere.
But they tend to at least mix it up and have more material to draw from. It is a buzz going on stage (even if you're doing material you're tired of) but I can't imagine doing the