
Actually people who eat a gluten free diet without being celiac definitely have a net positive effect on real celiacs.
If some people didn't refuse to eat gluten out of principle there wouldn't be a big enough market for gluten-free products and they'd be fair less availability (and they'd be far more expensive) for

That's an interesting perspective. As someone just starting open-mics, one of the first pieces of advice I got (from another comedian who I respect) was: Perfect your first five minutes before moving on.
Once you've got 5 minutes that you know kills, you can feel safe to swap out a minute or two and try some new stuff

Someone standing outside a Walmart screaming "I am the silent majority!"

Hey I missed High Rise because I didn't see it the week of it's release and now every screen in the city seems to be showing Batman Vs Superman on a continues loop.

Anyway I could get a link to this review? I'd love to read the comments.

Even if you dislike someone and everything they stand for is it ever okay to use a name they don't wish to be called any more?
People have the right to change their names for a variety of reasons and should we be picking and choosing when we respect that right?

I tend to agree, I know the John Oliver likes have calls to action on his show but I've seen several comments dismissing all the arguments in his videos because the name thing is stupid.

Same but usually it's my own.

I misread that as "small but satisfying increase" and thought that got really dark.

"Food porn" really is the most accurate phrase, you can figure out most of the steps in a porn video just from the title but that's not why you're watching.

Yes that's what I mean. They may be dystopian when you think about the implication but the tone and style is light and fun (just look at the colour palette).
And for all it's faults Age of Ultron did go out of it's way to show the heroes trying to save as many civilians as possible (I think that might have been

And boy do they have a lot saved up, it helps that they choose characters where that tone is appropriate. I prefer my 'dark and gritty' on a lower budget as well.

"I'm so sick of "dark, gritty" interpretations of superheroes, it is the most lazily tiresome thing."
Which is odd considering Marvel seem to be pumping out the most Superhero films at the moment (going up to three a year) and they're far from dark and gritty.
The darks films may be the minority but they're like sand,

That's evidence it's not a coincidence right?
If both the TV & film are run separately and they both happened to be planning these crossovers for a long time independently then it would be a coincidence.
But the TV people knew Batman Vs Superman was happening when they green-lit this and they chose for it to be this

I agree, which is why I think a solution is for women to appropriate those words. Which honest is what I thought the OP was doing before I realized he was male.
Sex is both 'given' and 'got' by both men and woman and should be refereed to as such. Saying "it's easy to get oral" is problematic if you're exclusively

Women "get" oral too.
In fact (because I take avatars literally) I assumed that comment was written by a woman. I guess I was wrong.

Which I think worked.
Both in terms of putting you in the mind of the brain-washed character (he seems to enjoy it at the time until he released what he's done) and as a satire of the glorification of violence in the genre (exaggerating and glorifying the violence even more than a Bond film and then showing the real

That's socialism right?

Yea, I'm tempted to do a video critiquing that style of film "criticism" (if you can even call it that) but I just don't have time.
I think it stems from people taking the wrong thing away from RedLettterMedia's brilliant Starwars Prequels reviews: They wonderfully mixed genuine, thought-out criticism with miner

And Firefly actors. I remember that really was a golden-age for Science Fiction (specifically the exploring planets Star Trek-style subgenre) but the shows started to die off one by one without being replaced with anything similar.
Stargate managed to last the longest and became sort of a safe-haven, where all the