
I sort of wish I had the time to do that with TV shows, 5-10 years ago there were several shows I watched like that. Where I'd start them and they'd never become entirely terrible so I'd just keep watching them because I could and after a while hanging out with the characters becomes enough.

Cinema Sins is the worst.

No, but you're not in a TV show.
How many films name-drop the fictional president of that universe for him/her not to show-up later? It would be like establishing a Chekhov's gun in act 1 one for it never to come up again ever.
Character's in film/TV tend not to mention characters that have no impact on the story, it's

Oh, I guess we were using different definitions. I thought you were just using "filler" as derogatory term for case-of-the-week story.
Otherwise I'd say something doesn't have to be a stand-alone episode to be 'filler', Jessica Jones had plenty of filler and only one case-of-the-week episode.
They should have used

Some of the best shows have "filler", I don't think it's a sign of giving up to try and stand stand-alone stories within a large narrative. It gives them the chance to expand the world and lives of the characters as well.

I had repeated bad experiences with season 1. I watched the first 3 episodes (I think) and gave up.
Under the recommendation of a friend I gave it another shot and gave up around episode 6 but was convinced to skip ahead to around the mid-point (the Thor crossover) lasted a couple of episodes and bailed again.
Finally I

I think DD and JJ prove they do.

Yes, or make the episodes shorts or add story-of-the-week plot-lines. When me and my girlfriend finished Jessica Jones we high-fived and said "we made it!" (no joke).
The show had elements of greatness but was really a slog in places.

"What I don't like is that Marvel is making no effort to make the casual audience get into stuff like Agents of SHIELD"
That's probably for the better, they certainly shouldn't be making any effort to get people to watch season 1 if they want to protect their brand.

I agree with you on the first part, I still haven't got around to the last episode of season 1.
I personally think they should be going for less direct references thought, not more. I guess if they're going to name-drop they might as well commit to it but it always seems clunky.
Don't remind us of the characters you

I don't know. A switch in showrunners is not usually a good sign (is it ever?). The man usually does feature films so I thought this was going to be a limited thing for him.

I got all the way to the penultimate episode of season 1 before giving up (not initially but I had other things to watch and it just dropped - not a good sign).
I'm thinking of finally finishing the first season and jumping back on, I really loved it at the beginning it just started to really drag by the late-middle

There's going to be a season 5 with new showrunners)??? I dropped out mid season 3 (after really enjoying most of season 1) but was going to come back because I was under the illusion it was four seasons and done, with a definitive ending (like the British series).
New showrunners implies they're going to keep this

So porn can't have substance? Porn solely exists to arouse, but it can do that with a story, characters and subtext (although it usually doesn't). Misery-porn is the same but replace arousal with misery.
Not saying I agree with the original commenter just chipping in with my own definition.

Haha, I've just started stand-up and can say I do that all the time (and heard other comics admit to the samething), my housemate is now starting to call me out on it.

I met my girlfriend on Tinder and we're now living together, in a flat with a friend of mine and his girlfriend who also met on Tinder.
In fact all the single twenty-somethings I know in London almost exclusively date people from Tinder (a first question to a couple could genuinely be "so… when did you guys match?")

Or that glass table scene in JJ.

Or herself.

Fun fact I met one of the writers of Spitting Image at the end of last year, John Lloyd. He was a genuinely nice guy and has had a very interesting life, at one point earning money directing cheese commercials before writing for QI.
He said when Spitting Image first aired there were so many phone-in complaints that

Adventureland? 500 Days of Summer? Crazy, Stupid Love? Sleeping With Other People?