
Which makes him the perfect person to make a Star Wars film, a franchise which whole existence is based on stealing old concepts and plots.

It's funny because the character Oz said that in Buffy in 1998:
"Today's movies are kind of like popcorn. You know, you forget about them as soon as they're done. I do remember I liked the popcorn, though.".

That's because it's basically a fairy-tale in space. When you add complex moral ambiguity or sympathetic bad guys it stops being Star Wars. It can work for some spin-off media in that universe but not the main films.
My favorite description of the original film comes from a retro interview with Mark Hammil where he

Thank you for giving me something to google. ;)

That basically happens in season 5 of Buffy as well.
I think @Cliffy73:disqus is right the enviroment of College may seem similar to High School but it just doesn't lend itself to TV drama in the same way* so most shows just abandon it.

I went to see Boyhood alone, sat next two a couple (roughly my age) who seemed to be really enjoying the film. When the credits started rolling they jumped into a really interesting conversation about the film and Linklater and for some reason I joined in.
It's not something I usually do but there was a pause and I had

But weirdly it's okay in coffee shops. I guess the difference in people's attitudes towards alcohol and caffeine.

Do it!
I was having this exact discussion in another thread and going to the movies along is great. Copy-paste of an old comments upcoming:
"Hey don't knocking seeings movies alone. Sitting silently in a blacked-out room (how movies should be watched) it not an experience that benefits much by being shared with friends"

I think all of Brass Eye might be on youtube to be honest, if you're happy with not perfect quality and dubious legality.

Good points, I just want to see more films than my friends do and there was a point at university where I didn't have many friendships which were at the point of "let's see a movie together".
Even now I'll sometimes decide to go and see a film on impulse and don't want to go through the effort of texting around to see

It sets a low watermark for what counts as entertainment in England.

The Thick Of It they don't have that on US Netflix, although weirdly they do have the film In The Loop, which we don't.
Also US Netflix has In Bruges and UK Netflix has Seven Psychopaths, so they win that round.
Fortunately it only takes one plugin (or to get the best of both worlds.

I think Periscope only works if you hold it the wrong way. Last time I saw someone using it the camera shots off when you rotate it round.

Just go there with a leaf blower and destroy it just to take away something that is bringing others joy.

Hey step 2 is better than the brutal and discriminate violence you have in America.

I saw Shrek twice as a child, but that was because I went to two different birthday parties.
After that it wasn't until Avatar, which I saw with my brother and his friends and then on a college trip (I did a media course) to see it in Imax.
I then I saw Avengers twice (but I now wish one of those those times I'd seen

I thought it was more expensive.
I knew it was when I went to a midnight screening at Odeon but I thought that was just standard practice for "special screenings".
A week later when I took my dad and sister to see it at their local Cineworld it seemed pricier too but I'd only been to that cinema once before so wasn't

Hey don't knocking seeings movies alone. Sitting silently in a blacked-out room (how movies should be watched) it not an experience that benefits much by being shared with friends.

Which makes it even more ridicules that they're on a fantasy character. Unless this fictional universe has also invented purely ascetic fake-pockets.

Why did I google that? I should read things I don't recognize before blindly copying them into google. Now if you'll excuse me… I'll be in my bunk.