
The girl on the right has trousers with back pockets… Pockets!
Am I the only one baffled by that??? In fact all their clothes from the waste down look like they were bought in a 21st century store.

11:45AM should do it.

I think you mean "Big Americans are killing Chocolate".

Weirdly (considering I don't particularly like the character) Captain America 1 is my favorite pre-Avengers and Captain America 2 is my favorite post-Avengers film.
Weirder still I'm not particularly looking forward to Civil War, perhaps it's over-exposure to internet hype.
I think Thor is the most interesting character

"I think that describes… the Internet… perfectly"
Fixed that for you

Well he didn't remember all the time spent in the puzzle-box, at least it wouldn't make any sense if he could.
Technically this version of the Doctor only remember the final version of that episode, and if we're getting really technically he only came into being when the teleporter created him so he's less than a year

I'm so jealous of you getting to a Red Dwarf recording, I should try to get tickets myself.
As for open mic comedy, you can probably tell from my profile picture how much I appreciate that, I need to book some slots for the new year actually. Angel Comedy is a particular great venue but they tend to book up really fast

Oh cool. Where by the seaside if you don't mind me asking? I went to Bournemouth University and it's awesome to see someone online who knows where Oxforshire is without having to say "You heard of Oxford? Sort of near there".

Where do you live, I take it from the use of "pub" you're in the UK like me or have they traveled to the US now.
I remember living near Banbury (I'm back home there now for the Christmas) before getting the hell out of dodge and making the move to London after University (where I have no money, but there's much more to

That lined seemed to be aimed at the fans who just assume all the characters are best friends between films. I've seen so many things in my facebook feed (usually from Tumblr) depicting characters from the MCU just hanging out that I'm convinced some people must have accepted it as "headcannon" or whatever, and now it

Which I remember better than the whatever the theme song was to any of the other films in that series. Do they even have them?

Why didn't they call the film Blowfish?
Or Blowsword

Not sure if that's a dig, TRON: Legacy was fun. I've mostly forgotten it now but wouldn't mind giving it a re-watch.
I'm never said that's all that's required for emotional engagement, it wouldn't have worked if I wasn't already attached to the characters and invested in the world (which the Starwars franchise overall

Did you see it in 2D or 3D. I'm wondering if that makes a difference, me and my friends opted for a 2D screening (and traveled further for the privilege) and no one was dressed up (that I noticed).
I suspect the 2D screening was mostly hard-core cinephiles and the 3D screening was mostly hard-core Starwars fans but

Yea I saw it at a midnight screening and foolishly didn't even considered the concept of the audience whooping or clapping (this is England after all).
But it was perfectly controlled, every time there was a reference they'd be a little applause and some quick cheers from 75-90% of the audience but they'd politely

What's not to understand?
6 films are a lot to catch up on and I want the new series to be something I can use to introduce my friends and family (who haven't seen the originals) to Starwars.

I thought spitballin' was the ball guys job not the tit guy's.
Are you taking over from him for Christmas break or something?

Haha, yea they were exactly what made me think he wasn't going to be the serious big-bad (not without a manger change), that and the fact that he basically looses the mask for much of the film making him seem much more human.
I was baffled today when I saw people online who found his character

Nice to see 6 out of 7 of my choices made the list. The only one that didn't was Alex Garland for best new director.
