Kyle Bridges

“No real Zelda dungeons” is the “No true Scotsman” of our times.

This trailer beat the first trailer in less than 14 parsecs.

Mom's Spaghetti: A Netflix Original Series

I bet the pilots were giddily requesting their ground speed readout from ATC, only to be one-upped by some asshole in an SR-71. 

FYI, the Nazis were Socialists, just like the Democrats. 

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HA! I found the old corporate training video on youtube. It’s for Showbiz Pizza, but it was the same company, just different brands.

The only thing that is safe to assume is that the facility’s cafeteria made some sick kebabs.

That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. If it separates us from Space, it’s clearly a firmament.

Ask them where am I supposed to eat my Baconator® combo with chili and a large Frosty without a passenger seat as a table.

“sluggish but fun”

Yeah, having two makes it hard to know which Cherlons’ in Charge.

Nice. One of the very few things I did right in my youth was going to see an Apollo moon launch in person. In January of ‘71 I was finishing an undergrad degree in Physics at the University of Maryland, and some friends and I made the trek to Florida and saw Apollo 14 lift off from several miles away. We had a great

She didn’t.

I knew it. The phone was bugged!

However I continue to want a full story behind his other Star Wars Character:

So is there a way to build it with the engine in the back? Asking for GM.

I have to agree. Watched this film and it was a mediocre M. Night Shyamalan style rip without a good twist. The acting was quite good and the front half was interesting, but much like Signs or Lost it really started to fizzle once you realize that the monster was a nebulous representation of a thing, instead of