
As a single guy with a roommate it is Model S money, a spare $4k a month after rent

Troll is a troll, mad that I have some posts with over 90 comments it seems like? Stalker.

Child, go somewhere else i’ve yet to see anyone agree with anything you’ve said.

Thats exactly what i’m doing except i’m adding a coding bootcamp on top of that. This guy can’t seem to get it though his head that someone even in there teens can make 6 figures a year.

Aw is someone jealous that they are stuck in a dead end job. Daddy’s never purchased me a car I purchased my 2015 Focus ST all on my own. Obviously you give a shit if you keep replying with your anti rich angry sentiments. Go be poor somewhere else.

Software Engineering

You’re hilariously out of the loop. I don’t see how you don’t know that Software Engineering starts in the 6 figure range, a Software Engineer is apart of everything you use everyday like this website. You must have grown up a poor boy who was taught to hate the rich but you really have no reason to. It’s okay with me

You must not understand software engineering beginning salary is $105k that’s where people start. It’s okay go back to your $30k and beater miatas

Correct when its not a house you should be fine with $200k

Software engineering, school will be done by August.

Not true

I 100% agree $200k is not a high cut off

The cut off is not too high $200k doesn’t get you much here, middle class basically.

Except now everyone and there sister has a Model S

I’m almost 19 and will be able to afford a Tesla along with a few of my friends, no we don’t live at home, yes we have jobs that make money.

Hopefully its better than Snowcats

We were looking at S classes last week and I will tell you right now not a single S class owner keeps the car more than 2-3 years. If its a luxury car over $100k the owners don’t give a shit about reliability in 5 years because they have replaced that car twice by then.

I was in a S65 a few days ago and yeah it was pretty awesome, it wasn’t $150k more awesome than the S550's we were looking at though

Sorry that the public transportation in SoCal that really only takes you to low income areas is not something I enjoy taking often.

Meanwhile on the other side of the country a Walmart truck being followed by a toyota camry and ford f-150 contain the next top secret aircraft and 10 or more special ops servicemen in civilian clothes who appear to just be on a vacation.