
Not a hot hatch even in turbo form, its slow and boring

You are basically driving a ford with a crappier interior if you have a speed 3

Are you trying to reference a G-eazy song there haha

A focus probably would beat a 1970 GTO if we are honest though

How are the new miatas selling? Everyone and there brother buys a used one for whatever change they can find on the couch but I’ve yet to see a jalop who purchased a 2015 miata.

Exactly no one would actually go do that

Ferrari F40, or Porsche 918

Lol, or are you serious?

Why were you pissed?

It is really terrible. I got in a 6th gen and I had such poor vision that it seemed a little dangerous I can imagine situations where it would get hairy having such poor visibility.

I’ve yet to see rust on any vehicle in person(that’s not rotting away in some backyard)

You and your school must have had some bad drivers. I’d say 1 in 10 of the kids at my school got in accidents within 2 years of holding a license. And also use some logic this isn’t being passed onto someone with their permit your kids can be 30, 40, or even 50 years old.

This is why I firmly stand behind owning 1 or 2 nice cars over multiple cars that are all POS’s. Some people seem to think wow if i buy 5 cars at $5k that’ll be great! When in reality if they bought one $20k car and a beater for $5k they would be much better off.

We didn’t buy anything because no need and I can’t really ever see remote start being necessary so no big deal for us it was just funny to see a live person try and sell us items through the car right after we got it

I’m sure if its a main car it can be useful, its not a daily so that’s probably why we haven’t purchased it

Almost every car company is charging now. In our GMC Yukon its something stupid like $30 a month for 1gb of data and like $20 for other random monthly charges they try to get you to purchase.

Why is it useful to defrost the wipers?

I generally park next to cars nicer than mine or as nice because someone with a car that is of equal value or worth more will have more respect for their car so they wont hit mine as to not damage theirs. Clean cars are also a focus of mine is its well taken care of they car. On the flipside I will do whatever

I did, I was just adding on to what you said because I knew the hate comments will be coming I wanted them to see my reply as well to support your comment.

The Model S/X interior is already a few steps below comparable luxury cars in the 80-140k price range. So I’d assume you are correct.