
Thats not bullshit its fair if you’ve invested into Porsches Hypercar you are a little more important than any other Porsche customer and deserve some sort of a perk.

100% this. Ford is even doing this(to a less degree) with the new Ford GT. Owners of previous Ford GT’s have priority over anyone else because as CAcoalminer said they have shown loyalty. Reward your loyal customers its only fair.

I intuitively understand it I just want you to explain your reasoning. A reasonable person can assume 0 harm will come from racing another car on a highway if the highway is low to 0 traffic, and they have good visibility. Street racing can be from 30-65 it doesn’t always have to be 130+mph. I “street race” cars from

Go ahead, prove your point ill be waiting.

Not always

You can also just go to a dealership and ask for a place holder and they will give it to yoy for free because hey free advertising.

Yeah I didnt really look at the location just figured the 5 is usually nothing, I would still say if traffic conditions were right there is no way a reasonable person would assume that they would end up killing someone by racing.

Yeah I didnt pay too much attention to the screen grab or location i’ve never heard of Commerce. I would still say that if the traffic conditions were right there is no way a reasonable person would assume killing someone by racing.

A reasonable individual does not predict street racing will end in a death or property destruction on the highway. Now this depends on the speeds they reached, if they only went up to 110-120 they are only 30-40mph faster than traffic in the fast lane. The I-5 as well is a absolutely barren freeway with nothing but

I laughed out loud reading this!

I hold my property and casualty license and all of this is correct except for the loyalty part. Every insurance company I ran into or know about gives a discount based on the number of years youve been with them. For example some may give a 4% discount at 5 years and add 1% more each year until you hit 8-10% then they

I like except for the MB badge, interior, and hood.

My now favorite Aston

Obviously couldn’t work hard enough to get higher up then head of service and he definitely wasn’t in charge of Finance so maybe its true he didn’t quite know what he was talking about regarding markups or tactics for dealing with salesmen.

The lack of length in your response is just telling me you realized you have nothing you could possibly say back.

What makes you say the dealership owner is a rich asshole? Do you personally know them? My grandfather went from being a lot boy at 18 to the owner of his own Ford dealership in his 50's and up. Would you make the same comment about my grandfather who started from literally nothing to a multi million dollar business?

Your dad is an ass. First he rudely interrupted a salesman who was greeting you, second he acted as if the salesman was the one who set the prices, and third you waisted the time of the people at the dealership. You should have called ahead and asked for the price. Who the hell really is that rude to salesman who

Because people don’t pay millions to watch EMT’s you could agree people pay millions to see teachers but then universities take the money and distribute it. But anyones once someone pays $20 to buy a movie about a EMT’s normal life it will stay this way as it should.

He also has a Veneno and dd’s the Huayra.

Well thats because computer programmers use Mac’s haha