
Canadian outsider here, looking in....but, what the fuck is the deal with members of congress having no fucking clue how the internet works? It’s not like it’s some new fad. It’s been widely accessible to the public since the 90s. Social media giants (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube) who spread viral content are all over a

I’ll take songs that I forgot existed for $500, Alex.

Who the hell can afford pickles?!

I live in constant terror of my own bowel movements.

I’ve been trying to tell this to my Keto loving friends. One tried to science me on how Keto changes the body. I told him, that I haven’t read the science, but what it sounds like you’re telling me is, you’re just consuming fewer calories than you burn. That’s all it is.

I figure having Terry Crews in there placated some of the insecure butt heads. Honestly, as a man, I’m inclined to do almost anything Terry Crews would ask of me.

Well, we were all a dickwad at some point. It’s nature.


This shit wouldn’t happen if we had Space Force already.

There is definitely some glimpses serious gore/violence hidden in there - a dude getting his head splattered, some naked man/thing, getting sliced in half, etc. And the movie is rated R (I think?).

God damn ghouls.... “Stifle Free Speech” my ass. Evil, manipulative liars.


That’s pretty rich. I’m pretty sure the decent comedians, journalists, performers and writers are using their talent to advance themselves, and your seedy, crooked life is just their latest muse. When you’re gone, they’re still going to be writers, comedians, etc.

Crowdfunding the wall is a pretty ingenious way to secretly implement a ‘racist idiot’ tax.

One cop actually put himself in the path of the vehicle, and Dennis clearly attempted to steer away from him, taking a sharp turn to the right while the officer was backing up to the vehicle’s left. And that guy had the presence of mind to NOT open fire. Dennis was definitely in full flight mode, by still attempting

Just to be clear, but I’m not reading the Onion right now?

I have coworkers that lay down toilet paper on seats, so they don’t come in contact with ‘residual ass’. That’s fine by me. My problem is that they leave the toilet paper with their own ‘residual ass’ on the seat.

Ross Douthat looks like a 13 year old that shaved his first pubes and glued them to his face.

Put me in the loves Wes Anderson films, but derives little enjoyment from most musicals camp.

You’re not wrong, but now I hate butterscotch pudding.