
I like to imagine that these memos are given to Trump as laminated place mats that he can read while he’s wolfing down KFC and Big Macs, like a big boy!

In one post, you stated that there are too many poor and uneducated people in America already. That’s a pretty true statement, and it was heavily implied that you believe this is a bad thing. I believe it’s a bad thing.

You would think that the Conservatism would be about being cautious with spending or exploiting and utilizing our resources so that we don’t run out or, when there are shortages, we have a reserve. You would think that Conservatism would be about slow and steady progress, so that we don’t dive in headfirst without

That’s what’s so frustrating about the media’s coverage. The only means to a White Nationalist end is violence against non-whites. There’s no other way to create a ‘White America’ without ethnic cleansing. There isn’t ‘two sides’ to this, so the media does not need to be impartial here. There’s the side that wants all

I have no Earthly idea how Trump supporters can reconcile their love for Trump with his love for the Saudis.

“No Wanks Rule”

There’s even one of these running for Toronto Mayor. Well, she’s Brunette, but her name is, I kid you not, Faith Goldy. She’s a ‘journalist’.

Any good lawyer will tell you to never ask a question that you don’t know the answer to.

This quote right here tells us so much about how insular and obtuse these people are.

I really don’t get how empathy is so hard for people.

This guy pairs nicely with the Elephant from Monty Python and the Meaning of Life.

Well, in fairness, the Ford brothers had some strange Chris Farley charm in their misplaced confidence, ‘every-manboorishness and bumbling foolishness. I once saw Rob rush through a McDonald’s drive through and thought, ‘I would love this man if I didn’t hate this man’. 

I’m a white male. I grew up in a small, essentially pure white city. These are my credentials. I know white people. White men have nothing to be afraid of, and need to get a fucking grip. White men are the scary ones.

Why we can never win against Trumpers:

Graboid nests.

If the allegations are true, no matter how old, then he lacks the scruples, principals or moral character to either recognize that what he did was wrong, or refuses to hold himself accountable for any wrongdoing. He would also have been publicly lying in his denial of the incident since it came to light.

What drives me crazy is, if the GOP is worried about some sort of precedent being set where accusations happen all the time, then maybe they should stop trying to turn the Supreme Court into a Partisan shit-show, in an attempt to circumvent Democracy to push through their own greedy agendas. They are corrupting the

I’m off to take a dump. We call that ‘hugging a loved one’ where I’m from. I’m just kidding of course, but I think I may actually start calling it that.

You could #basketballroasted us too, with a similar Kawhi joke, depending on whether or not the Raptors resign him (they won’t).

How would they even be able to tell if someone is lying if there’s no physical evidence?