
Griefers are the reason I don’t play multiplayer games. I just want to poke around and have fun, but instead I get the online equivalent of schoolyard bullies.

“Ya know, son, we brought you home in a Mercedes Benz Gullwing that your great-grandpa lovingly restored. Unfortunately it was totaled the next day and a house fire destroyed all records of it. But trust me, it would make me really happy to get another.”

I mean, you do spin me right round with your COTD eye candy posts and all.

Thank the Lord you got it today - I’ve been really tardy in posting eye candy for $kaycog. Then again, it’s 1:00-1:30AM where I am when the COTD comes out.

Funny thing is I would, outside of very rural areas, never live outside of a HOA neighborhood. Maybe it’s the folks where I’m from, but non-HOA areas are absolute junk.

FWIW growing up in Houston I thought Frontage Road stretched from Houston all the way up to Dallas. Man, that was a long street.

From what I understood, Buell was making money. They just weren’t making enough money for HD’s liking. Selling big cruisers was more profitable, but in my non-business-expert opinion, it was the wrong decision long term as turned folks like me away from eventually getting one of those.

Derek Mueller of Veritasium got very close. From what I remember, the radiation was far too dangerous to even go get a brief glimpse. The geiger counters they had were going nuts.

I owned a XB12S 8 years ago when I was 37 and living in Japan. I was *very* upset the day Erik Buell announced the shutdown.

Why didn’t they make these extend all the way up to your shoulders?

Why didn’t they make these extend all the way up to your shoulders?

That car’s so nice, you posted it twice.

I drove one daily for about 4 years. Whenever 7-8 people at the office all want to go to the same place they’d always say, “Let’s take Keith’s van!”

Just saw that Comanche and it got me thinking. How hard is it to upgrade the axles or convert a 2x4 drive to a 4x4? I just checked Dynatrac and they don’t have any offerings specific to the Comanche.

Good enough eyebleach for ya?

Starred for good story and the Galleria, a place I wasted too much of my youth in.

Mr. Dempsey seems excited by today’s COTD pic. Or maybe he’s yelling, “Smile for Pete’s sake!”

Hey! I like your picture.

I’m a fan of the Donkevoort. More completely impractical-er.

I’m like —><— this close to pulling the trigger. Only thing stopping me is SWMBO’s reaction since I already have 558 headphones. The 558s are good for gaming, but there’s something missing for music compared to my old HD600s.

I’m like —><— this close to pulling the trigger. Only thing stopping me is SWMBO’s reaction since I already have 558

I was thinking a cross between Keanu and Patrick Dempsey (nod to $kaycog).