No beautiful bombshell holding coffee while suggestively leaning on a tank Skay?
What sort of kid likes a LeBaron Convertible?! XD
Damn Jalop.....any bit of positive news today?
lol......just cancel TG already. Like the “new” NSX, this whole thing was DOA.
Thanks for the recap Tav. Seeing how I’m not even going to bother dedicating any bandwidth to this at all.
None of the cars I loved as a kid is under $15,000. $15K might cover insurance?
lol, I like how Aston Martin trolls with these configurators.
Holy thread revival. Slow news day?
Texas Edition Anything = LOL.
I don’t doubt that Subaru can make this engine far more powerful; these are the folks who gives us STI’s after all. The engineering shouldn’t be at question here.
John Thomas purchased a 2000 BMW 5 Series from a dealer called Car Craft Auto Sales for $4,500.
I hope whatever town the Tesla runs out of juice in during a cross country sprint against the Bent will have some pretty good historical sites to visit while you wait.
Shows like Fifth Gear and TG during Clarkson’s era was like a comfortable security blanket for enthusiasts. You knew what to expect, you knew it was going to be awesome, and you looked forward to it.
The fact that dealerships still exist today baffles me. IMO, it’s an antiquated business model, and it needs to go away.
I can’t wait for GM to start offering CF wheels *cough CF too expensive, lets go with fibreglass, it’s the same thing right cough cough*.