not it

“Sorry gumshoe, you missed out on that all expense paid trip to the Bahamas, but you get this Carmen Sandiego board game as a consolation prize. Do it, Rockapella!”

The Cubs won the World Series in 2016, and have a current PECOTA projection of 79 wins for the 2019 season

It’s American society. The behavior of the right wing rich guys IRL has finally trickled into baseball.

And this is why I took her on my Jeopardy All-Stars fantasy team, along with <gets grayed forever>

Why 18?

Just now:

And in return, I’d just like to say slut, abortion, masturbation!

Let he Pittsburgh fan who is without a DUI cast the first Keystone

You would say that, you abortion loving commie! Fuck off!

Can I take this opportunity to brag about the commenters here? They rock. They’re one of the main reasons I frequent this site so much. I’ll even read boring posts or posts about soccer (yuck) just to get to the comments.

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Is Step 4“be credibly accused of sexual assault multiple times”.

52 kids under him? I thought he was a Steeler, not a Cardinal. 

The Big Ben 5 Steps of Leadership:

This article is like the bat signal, if the bat signal were for Yinzers.  

Five dollars a month? Nobody can afford that!

Rays! Padres! It’s October baseball!”

That is not a frame - that is abstract art.  The only way that Jeep is going to Moab is if you sandblast off everything that isn’t rust and carry what remains in a bucket.

Nice try... trying to squeeze in that Knicks fantasy in there.  You almost got away with it too,  covering it with the Bill Simmons hypocrisy.

This is exactly it, Simmons has been the “Scottsdale Cougar” and is now remarried and watching the next generation of cougar sniffing around the husband that she acquired by getting him to get a divorce and is now panicked and can’t make the thought leap that if it was fair game the 1st time it’s fair game the 2nd